3950 XP
Hey Guys! Got a friend who buys a lot of games? G2A is a awesome site. They sell latest games for cheap rates than anyone! You could earn money from this site when someone buys a games from this site (you've invited)! This method works best if you're into video games and have a decent understanding on what's 'hot' at the moment. REF LINK :https://www.g2a.com/r/user-55eef27c54cb2 NON-REF LINK :https://www.g2a.com What will we be doing? Theoretically, affiliate marketing. Who are we targeting? PC gamers. Since we're targeting millions of people, this method can not get saturated, as we have an infinite crowd we can earn money from. How are we doing it? By using heavily gamer-populated sites so we get the attention of many PC gamers. Learning the basics Basically, you want as many people clicking on your affiliate link. According to the people clicking the link, I will divide the people into 3 groups: 1) The Big Fish (TBF) 2) The Inner Cirlce (TIC) 3) The Small Fish (TSF) We will be using G2A's "goldmine" affiliate page - G2A is a website that sells cheap video games, and offers many great deals, sometimes reducing the prices over 80%. Except that you can earn money from it, you can also get really cheap PC games. It's popular, but I'd say 95% of PC gamers still haven't heard about it, and still buy retail games on Steam, Origin, Battlenet etc. The site is absolutely legit and is extremely high quality. I've been using it for over a year for my own purchases, and only recently decided to start earning money from it. Clicking on the affiliate link makes people save your affiliate link in their Cookies. So if they click on it, and don't decide to buy a game straight away, but in 2-3 days, you'll still get the same profit as long as you're saved in their cookies. Awesome right? The hierarchy Not all people who you're targeting should be people who buy PC games. According to that, I've made up 3 groups of people which you can target, and each group is unique. The hierarchy system is something that you always must have in mind. Not all of the gamers who click on your link have to purchase something. You can form your own affiliate team and make them spread your link around the Internet, and you'll still be gaining money. The hierarchy system is explained by this illustration on g2a: You're on top, and your level 1 gamers make you 100% of the income. Level 1 gamers refer level 2 gamers, from which you get 60% (and your level 1 gamer gets 100% from the earning). The level 2 gamers refer level 3 gamers, from which you earn 40% (your level 1 gamers earn 60%, and your level 2 gamers earn 100%). The more you earn, the bigger percentage you get from every sale. You start with around 10% from each sale. The 3 Groups The Big Fish TBF are popular people in the world of gaming. They're streamers, Youtubers, community managers, or any well-known person that gamers know of. The income they can bring you is not direct, and they're only used to attract more people from which you earn your money, but they earn as well. Most streamers and Youtubers are in the business for the money, so introducing them to a new way of income with no effort at all can be pretty interesting for them. I, personally, currently have 4 popular streamers under my affiliate. Most of them don't know that they're under my affiliate, and they're generating at least 50% of my total income. The streamers are streaming on a site called twitch.tv. The streamers only have to share their link on their livestream and try to promote it every hour or two, and you'll be getting money in no time. I've got an extremely popular streamer under my link. He gets around 10k people watching on average and he generates around 2,000 clicks daily. Take into consideration that I've got 14 live streamers under my name, which makes me get at least 10,000 cookies daily. Most of them don't buy straight away, but at least 50% of them do buy at least 1 game. Do the math yourself and please think... Do you see the potential? There's thousands of streamers, hundred thousands of people watching, and an infinite crowd where you can share your link. Q: Why would they be interested? A: Why would they buy a game for $60 if they can buy it for $30? Approaching twitch.tv streamers and how to catch their attention Don't: spam their chat, spam their PMs, use accounts named like 'g2aAnakin' 'buysellkeys' etc. Do: approach them like a regular viewer with a great idea of earning extra income. PM them, act like you're watching them for months. Another part of the TBF group are Youtubers. The only difference between them and Twitch.tv streamers is that they can't advertise directly on Youtube, but they do have their Facebook fan pages, Twitters and other means of social media contacts. Approach is the same: PM them, talk to them, tell them they can earn money from it. Most of the Youtubers are more open minded to this idea than streamers. Streamers are really hard to get under your affiliate and you will most likely get rejected in 99% of the cases. The 1% will generate crazy income, so the main focus should be: never give up. Try several times, try different games, try all kinds of different things, but never get disappointed. It'll help you. The Inner Circle TIC is a group of people, friends, who you know play PC games. You share the website with them, and then talk them into spreading the word about the website. It'll generate an income both for you and them. The point of TIC is to share methods, share work efforts and generate an income for both of you and your TIC members. Managing your TIC is something of significant importancy, and it's up to you whether you'll work 1 on 1 with each member of your TIC or you'll form a group of people working together to accomplish goals. My personal TIC is managed in a way that people don't know about each other and I mostly support and work with 1 person in private. The Small Fish TSF are gamers who actually do purchase games. They're not people you target by-person, but people who get attracted in the terms of massive advertisement either by your, your TBF or your TIC. They're the people who spend, and the people who make your income. Other than letting your TBF or TIC do the work of gathering TSF, I will list my own personal methods of how I have collected the majority of my TSF. THE BEST WAY TO SHARE ACCORDING TO ME IS : Google plus communities (PC Gamers .etc) PROOF
Edited by uppaaja1, 21 September 2015 - 08:46 PM.