Rogue Operative
100 XP
Hey Guys,
So I've been using this method now for 3 Weeks and could already achieve decent results. This method is 100% legal and involves no exploits/bug using/scamming, so don't worry.
This method was somewhat already posted on this forum, but I tweaked it and made it stable.
And as always it's free, so no investment needed, but ofcourse the more you invest, the more you earn!
Before you start you'll need a bitcoin Wallet, I use exodus it works the best for me and is easy to setup, but you can use any wallet that was just a recommondation on which wallet I find the best!
If you liked this method please dont forget to give me an upvote, its really appreciated!
Now to the method:
This method is actually split into 2 parts, part 2 is kinda optional but makes this method definitely more safe and can actually generate you stable income.
1.Register at https://catchabtc.com/register/Fideli (My ref link, if you wanna support me) or
2.Copy the script and make sure you copied all of it and then hit auto, and in the lower left hand corner you can change Autobet to custom and paste script. And make sure to hit RUN!
3.You get 1 free Bit every hour and as I mentioned before, the more you invest, the more you can earn by this script.
4. Now you can just leave the site or do whatever you want altough this script is somewhat safe I would recommend you not to bet all youre balance and to check it every now and then.
5. After you earned your money just withdraw it and continue to Part 2 (optional, but I recommend it)
Since the Site used in part 2 exit scammed, this method no longer consists of 2 parts [WARN] Variable mode is enabled and not fully tested. Bot is resillient to ' + streakSecurity + '-loss streaks.');
// On a game starting, place the bet.
engine.on('game_starting', function(info) {
console.log('====== New Game ======');
console.log('[Bot] Game #' + info.game_id);
currentGameID = info.game_id;
if (coolingDown) {
if (lossStreak == 0) {
coolingDown = false;
else {
console.log('[Bot] Cooling down! Games remaining: ' + lossStreak);
if (!firstGame) { // Display data only after first game played.
console.log('[Stats] Session profit: ' + ((engine.getBalance() - startingBalance) / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');
console.log('[Stats] Profit percentage: ' + (((engine.getBalance() / startingBalance) - 1) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
if (engine.lastGamePlay() == 'LOST' && !firstGame) { // If last game loss:
var totalLosses = 0; // Total satoshi lost.
var lastLoss = currentBet; // Store our last bet.
while (lastLoss >= baseSatoshi) { // Until we get down to base bet, add the previous losses.
totalLosses += lastLoss;
lastLoss /= 4;
if (lossStreak > streakSecurity) { // If we're on a loss streak, wait a few games!
coolingDown = true;
currentBet *= 7; // Then multiply base bet by 4!
currentMultiplier = 1.00 + (totalLosses / currentBet);
else { // Otherwise if win or first game:
lossStreak = 0; // If it was a win, we reset the lossStreak.
if (variableBase) { // If variable bet enabled.
// Variable mode resists (currently) 1 loss, by making sure you have enough to cover the base and the 4x base bet.
var divider = 100;
for (i = 0; i < streakSecurity; i++) {
divider += (100 * Math.pow(4, (i + 1)));
newBaseBet = Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.floor(engine.getBalance() / divider)), maximumBet * 100); // In bits
newBaseSatoshi = newBaseBet * 100;
if ((newBaseBet != baseBet) || (newBaseBet == 1)) {
console.log('[Bot] Variable mode has changed base bet to: ' + newBaseBet + ' bits');
baseBet = newBaseBet;
baseSatoshi = newBaseSatoshi;
// Update bet.
currentBet = baseSatoshi; // in Satoshi
currentMultiplier = baseMultiplier;
// Message and set first game to false to be sure.
console.log('[Bot] Betting ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits, cashing out at ' + currentMultiplier + 'x');
firstGame = false;
if (currentBet <= engine.getBalance()) { // Ensure we have enough to bet
if (currentBet > (maximumBet * 100)) { // Ensure you only bet the maximum.
console.warn('[Warn] Bet size exceeds maximum bet, lowering bet to ' + (maximumBet * 100) + ' bits');
currentBet = maximumBet;
engine.placeBet(currentBet, Math.round(currentMultiplier * 100), false);
else { // Otherwise insufficent funds...
if (engine.getBalance() < 100) {
console.error('[Bot] Insufficent funds to do anything... stopping');
else {
console.warn('[Bot] Insufficent funds to bet ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits.');
console.warn('[Bot] Resetting to 1 bit basebet');
baseBet = 1;
baseSatoshi = 100;
engine.on('game_started', function(data) {
if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game #' + currentGameID + ' has started!'); }
engine.on('cashed_out', function(data) {
if (data.username == engine.getUsername()) {
console.log('[Bot] Successfully cashed out at ' + (data.stopped_at / 100) + 'x');
engine.on('game_crash', function(data) {
if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game crashed at ' + (data.game_crash / 100) + 'x'); }
DISCLAIMER: The script was not written by me, I found it in another post from Amstrongchips0 so shoutouts to him (altough I dont think he wrote it either but nvm)
Thats it, have a nice day!
So I've been using this method now for 3 Weeks and could already achieve decent results. This method is 100% legal and involves no exploits/bug using/scamming, so don't worry.
This method was somewhat already posted on this forum, but I tweaked it and made it stable.
And as always it's free, so no investment needed, but ofcourse the more you invest, the more you earn!
Before you start you'll need a bitcoin Wallet, I use exodus it works the best for me and is easy to setup, but you can use any wallet that was just a recommondation on which wallet I find the best!
If you liked this method please dont forget to give me an upvote, its really appreciated!
Now to the method:
This method is actually split into 2 parts, part 2 is kinda optional but makes this method definitely more safe and can actually generate you stable income.
1.Register at https://catchabtc.com/register/Fideli (My ref link, if you wanna support me) or
3.You get 1 free Bit every hour and as I mentioned before, the more you invest, the more you can earn by this script.
4. Now you can just leave the site or do whatever you want altough this script is somewhat safe I would recommend you not to bet all youre balance and to check it every now and then.
5. After you earned your money just withdraw it and continue to Part 2 (optional, but I recommend it)
Since the Site used in part 2 exit scammed, this method no longer consists of 2 parts [WARN] Variable mode is enabled and not fully tested. Bot is resillient to ' + streakSecurity + '-loss streaks.');
// On a game starting, place the bet.
engine.on('game_starting', function(info) {
console.log('====== New Game ======');
console.log('[Bot] Game #' + info.game_id);
currentGameID = info.game_id;
if (coolingDown) {
if (lossStreak == 0) {
coolingDown = false;
else {
console.log('[Bot] Cooling down! Games remaining: ' + lossStreak);
if (!firstGame) { // Display data only after first game played.
console.log('[Stats] Session profit: ' + ((engine.getBalance() - startingBalance) / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');
console.log('[Stats] Profit percentage: ' + (((engine.getBalance() / startingBalance) - 1) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
if (engine.lastGamePlay() == 'LOST' && !firstGame) { // If last game loss:
var totalLosses = 0; // Total satoshi lost.
var lastLoss = currentBet; // Store our last bet.
while (lastLoss >= baseSatoshi) { // Until we get down to base bet, add the previous losses.
totalLosses += lastLoss;
lastLoss /= 4;
if (lossStreak > streakSecurity) { // If we're on a loss streak, wait a few games!
coolingDown = true;
currentBet *= 7; // Then multiply base bet by 4!
currentMultiplier = 1.00 + (totalLosses / currentBet);
else { // Otherwise if win or first game:
lossStreak = 0; // If it was a win, we reset the lossStreak.
if (variableBase) { // If variable bet enabled.
// Variable mode resists (currently) 1 loss, by making sure you have enough to cover the base and the 4x base bet.
var divider = 100;
for (i = 0; i < streakSecurity; i++) {
divider += (100 * Math.pow(4, (i + 1)));
newBaseBet = Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.floor(engine.getBalance() / divider)), maximumBet * 100); // In bits
newBaseSatoshi = newBaseBet * 100;
if ((newBaseBet != baseBet) || (newBaseBet == 1)) {
console.log('[Bot] Variable mode has changed base bet to: ' + newBaseBet + ' bits');
baseBet = newBaseBet;
baseSatoshi = newBaseSatoshi;
// Update bet.
currentBet = baseSatoshi; // in Satoshi
currentMultiplier = baseMultiplier;
// Message and set first game to false to be sure.
console.log('[Bot] Betting ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits, cashing out at ' + currentMultiplier + 'x');
firstGame = false;
if (currentBet <= engine.getBalance()) { // Ensure we have enough to bet
if (currentBet > (maximumBet * 100)) { // Ensure you only bet the maximum.
console.warn('[Warn] Bet size exceeds maximum bet, lowering bet to ' + (maximumBet * 100) + ' bits');
currentBet = maximumBet;
engine.placeBet(currentBet, Math.round(currentMultiplier * 100), false);
else { // Otherwise insufficent funds...
if (engine.getBalance() < 100) {
console.error('[Bot] Insufficent funds to do anything... stopping');
else {
console.warn('[Bot] Insufficent funds to bet ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits.');
console.warn('[Bot] Resetting to 1 bit basebet');
baseBet = 1;
baseSatoshi = 100;
engine.on('game_started', function(data) {
if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game #' + currentGameID + ' has started!'); }
engine.on('cashed_out', function(data) {
if (data.username == engine.getUsername()) {
console.log('[Bot] Successfully cashed out at ' + (data.stopped_at / 100) + 'x');
engine.on('game_crash', function(data) {
if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game crashed at ' + (data.game_crash / 100) + 'x'); }
DISCLAIMER: The script was not written by me, I found it in another post from Amstrongchips0 so shoutouts to him (altough I dont think he wrote it either but nvm)
Thats it, have a nice day!