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What you’ll learn ?
- How to use Vue and Vue JS to build a web application.
- Vue, vue js, vuejs, nuxt, vue.js, vue 3, nuxt js, and vuex are all terms for the same thing.
- What exactly is Vue JS?
- The most crucial Vuejs topics.
- How to use Vue-router in Vue js to build a multi-page web app.
- Learn how can we use vuex to handle the data in our application?
- How to use vue and vuex to create the biggest and most complex apps with ease.
- Vue js includes a variety of features to let you construct a comprehensive single-page application or just add interactivity to an existing program.
- Take a look at Vue js if you’re seeking a JavaScript web framework that won’t overwhelm you with complexity.
- Vuejs is a framework that accomplishes what previous frameworks have done before but in a new and easy-to-use style.
- What are JavaScript variables and why do you need them?
- What is Boolean Logic in JavaScript?
- How to use JS in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- How to utilize conditional statements in JavaScript (if else, switch case, ternary operator).
- What are the distinctions between Function Declaration and Function Expression and how to build JavaScript Functions?
- What are JavaScript loops (for loops, while loops, continue, and break commands) and how do you utilize them in your code?
- How to make Arrays in JavaScript, Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift…), and Array iteration
- How to build and update JavaScript objects, as well as to object methods.
- What is the Document Object Model (DOM) and how may it be used in JavaScript?
- The text-based computer programming language JavaScript is used to create dynamic web pages.
- What is JavaScript, and how does it work? JavaScript is a prototype-based, curly-braced, dynamically typed object-oriented programming language.
- JavaScript is a computer language that enables users to interact with the websites they visit, making it a crucial language for web development.
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