Social Sales Wizard
700 XP
This guide will require patience in order to have a successful investment.
[You will need a bitcoin wallet address]
Firstly, sign up here https://www.nanohash.net/home?tag=14963https://www.nanohash.net/home?tag=14963 [Requires activation from email]
Original link: https://www.nanohash.net
Learn how the investment works with kh/s and the referral details.
Since you will require activation for each account, it is more convenient to have multiple aliases on one email (I believe the limit is 10).
Creating multiple aliases method : (You can skip this if you're familiar with it) [WORKS ON OUTLOOK/HOTMAIL.COM]
1. Sign up for an email
2. Click your avatar (should be blank) on the top right and it will drop down a menu, click on 'view account'
3. You should be prompt to a new window where you can find your account details, click 'Your info' on the top left side
4. Click 'manage how you sign in to microsoft', which should then prompt you to a verification login screen, do that.
5. You should now see 'Account Aliases' and have the option to create another email.
I suggest creating an email that is uncommon, (for example: meiods1@ and then you can add more with consecutive numbers meiods2, meiods3, etc.
Monetizing Method: Simple and Easy (VPN is optional)
1. Use a different browser from what you generally use and sign up for more accounts using your referral link from your main account (can be found in dashboard>referral program)
2. Once you create the account, just activate it (no need to login) and it should automatically start generating bitcoins passively.
3. Leave the accounts to mine by themselves until it has reached enough bitcoins to purchase kh/s, which will be contributed to your main account.
Doing this over and over again will greatly increase your investment.
Please keep in mind that this website is still new and maybe a risk for investors. So do not deposit too much of your personal bitcoins.
Good luck!
Please don't be a leecher! Show your thanks by liking this thread!
[You will need a bitcoin wallet address]
Firstly, sign up here https://www.nanohash.net/home?tag=14963https://www.nanohash.net/home?tag=14963 [Requires activation from email]
Original link: https://www.nanohash.net
Learn how the investment works with kh/s and the referral details.
Since you will require activation for each account, it is more convenient to have multiple aliases on one email (I believe the limit is 10).
Creating multiple aliases method : (You can skip this if you're familiar with it) [WORKS ON OUTLOOK/HOTMAIL.COM]
1. Sign up for an email
2. Click your avatar (should be blank) on the top right and it will drop down a menu, click on 'view account'
3. You should be prompt to a new window where you can find your account details, click 'Your info' on the top left side
4. Click 'manage how you sign in to microsoft', which should then prompt you to a verification login screen, do that.
5. You should now see 'Account Aliases' and have the option to create another email.
I suggest creating an email that is uncommon, (for example: meiods1@ and then you can add more with consecutive numbers meiods2, meiods3, etc.
Monetizing Method: Simple and Easy (VPN is optional)
1. Use a different browser from what you generally use and sign up for more accounts using your referral link from your main account (can be found in dashboard>referral program)
2. Once you create the account, just activate it (no need to login) and it should automatically start generating bitcoins passively.
3. Leave the accounts to mine by themselves until it has reached enough bitcoins to purchase kh/s, which will be contributed to your main account.
Doing this over and over again will greatly increase your investment.
Please keep in mind that this website is still new and maybe a risk for investors. So do not deposit too much of your personal bitcoins.
Good luck!
Please don't be a leecher! Show your thanks by liking this thread!