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Free Way to Create RDPs (100% Working) [Free Method]


XP Grinder
J Rep
J Vouches
LEVEL 1 300 XP
Welcome, everyone! I'm excited to share my own knowledge/method with you. By looking at the title of this post, many of you have already guessed what I am going to discuss or what I’m going to share with you.
In the modern world of technology, Remote Desktop Protocols (RDPs) have become increasingly popular, allowing users to access PCs remotely without any issue. This comes with a cost, as setting up RDPs can often be an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. To rid ourselves of this burden, we will take a look at a revolutionary, free way to create RDPs that is 100% working. This free method of creating RDPs is guaranteed to save you time, money, and effort, and ultimately revolutionize the way you create RDPs.
In this post, I’ll show you a step-by-step guide on how to create an RDP, tell you what challenges I faced during the entire process when creating mine, and help you overcome/fix those issues. I have talked a lot. However, Let's move on to the tutorial part without any further delay.
Tutorial Part
Method-1 (Creating RDP With Github Resource)
What you may need before starting?
  • A GitHub account.
  • And a Ngrok account.
I’ll suggest you not use your main GitHub account for the process.
  • Once you've signed up for a GitHub account, go to the Dashboard and create a new repository with any name.
  • After that, you must upload all the files and folders in the GIT.
The All File Download From here:
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
- https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a135fccde9006907076c09c2648b39e67bc?nocache=1
  • Now Go: Uploading an existing file >>> Drag and drop files & folder >>> Click Commit Changes.
  • After signing up, log in to the NGROK account and go to your dashboard. Then Go: >> “Your Authtoken” and copy the code.
  • Now go back to your GitHub account. Then Go: >> Settings >> secrets >> Action. Then in the name field type the name “NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN” and in the 2nd field paste the Ngrok token key that you have copied from the Ngrok website.
  • Now Go: Add secret >> Actions >> Configure and then workflows dashboard will appear. From this part rename the “blank.yml” to “aws.yml”.
  • Then Go: Start commit >>Commit new file >> Actions >> AWS >> Run workflow >>Run workflow >> AWS >> AWS >>build.
  • After doing that the process will be started to create RDP.
  • After waiting for a few seconds your RDP’s IP, Username and password will be generated in the workflow field.
  • It’s done! Now it’s time to use it. For that open your windows Remote Desktop Connection software. Then copy the IP without “tcp://”, username, and password from the workflow field and sign into your RDP. Congrats you did it! That’s it, the entire process.
  • Sign in to the GitHub account with VPN.
  • Create New Repository
  • Upload all the files and folders.
  • Set NgrokToken (Go to Settings > Secrets > Action > New Repository Secret)
  • In the name section, enter this text: “NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN” and In the value section, enter the ngrok token
  • Go: Configure “simple Workflow”, Commit & Run the workflow.
How long does this RDP stay active?
This RDP stays active for up to 2 hour (previously 4-5 hours). Currently, I'm working on it to extend time.
Problems that I have faced during the entire process & the solutions:
Github account flagged.
Solution: Use VPN to sign up & log in.
Cannot create unlimited mail for github account if Github account is flagged.
Solution: Use this temp mail/microsoft account to create unlimited github account. [https://etempmail.net/ - not affiliated]
Workflow runtime error.
Solution: Check NgrokToken & Name(NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN) that you set.
Don't use the RDP for mining or illegal use.



