Forum Architect
400 XP
Free Minecraft, disney+, gfuel, buffalowildwings, origin, hulu, wish, uplay and more!
Account Generator Method:
Step 1: Join
Step 2: Check your DMs With Server Captcha Bot
Step 3: Complete the Captcha
Step 4: Go to the channel named bot-commands With the ID 832366414413168730
Step 5: Write .stock then hit enter, You'll see all stock for the accounts
Step 6: Go to the generator channel which is named ?????free-gen
Step 7: Do .{itemname} without the { & }
Step 8: Hit enter then check your DMs! All Accounts work!
Minecraft Generator Method:
Step 1: Join
Step 2: Check your DMs With Server Captcha Bot
Step 3: Complete the Captcha
Step 4: Go to the channel named ?????bot-commands With the ID 832366414413168730
Step 5: Write .stock then hit enter, You'll see all stock for the accounts
Step 6: Go to the generator channel which is named ?????minecraft-gen
Step 7: Do .minecraft
Step 8: Hit enter then check your DMs! All Accounts work!
Account Generator Method:
Step 1: Join
Step 2: Check your DMs With Server Captcha Bot
Step 3: Complete the Captcha
Step 4: Go to the channel named bot-commands With the ID 832366414413168730
Step 5: Write .stock then hit enter, You'll see all stock for the accounts
Step 6: Go to the generator channel which is named ?????free-gen
Step 7: Do .{itemname} without the { & }
Step 8: Hit enter then check your DMs! All Accounts work!
Minecraft Generator Method:
Step 1: Join
Step 2: Check your DMs With Server Captcha Bot
Step 3: Complete the Captcha
Step 4: Go to the channel named ?????bot-commands With the ID 832366414413168730
Step 5: Write .stock then hit enter, You'll see all stock for the accounts
Step 6: Go to the generator channel which is named ?????minecraft-gen
Step 7: Do .minecraft
Step 8: Hit enter then check your DMs! All Accounts work!