OpenAPI Spec Writer
300 XP
This script to use in BoL Studio for botting/farming xp/lp on ARAM.
After new LoL patch in BoL function GetInventorySlotItem() has stopped working and old iAram script now don't work correctly. So I changed it. I replaced GetInventorySlotItem() with my itemCosts table and added some changes to make bots play more defensive. I added support to use summoners spells (Heal and Barrier) when bot has low hp and I changed item lists that makes bots focus on durability (Bots can't last hitting so first item on every itemList is Nomad's Medallion -> Talisman of Ascension that make them have some extra gold and hp regen. Second item is Crystalline Bracer -> Warmog's Armor with it they will die less often) At the beginning of the match bot waits until 1:20 to buy Nomad's Medallion + Crystalline Bracer then he goes on the line.
And I recommend Auto Queue Bot - Volibot to use with BoL Studio + iAram combination.
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After new LoL patch in BoL function GetInventorySlotItem() has stopped working and old iAram script now don't work correctly. So I changed it. I replaced GetInventorySlotItem() with my itemCosts table and added some changes to make bots play more defensive. I added support to use summoners spells (Heal and Barrier) when bot has low hp and I changed item lists that makes bots focus on durability (Bots can't last hitting so first item on every itemList is Nomad's Medallion -> Talisman of Ascension that make them have some extra gold and hp regen. Second item is Crystalline Bracer -> Warmog's Armor with it they will die less often) At the beginning of the match bot waits until 1:20 to buy Nomad's Medallion + Crystalline Bracer then he goes on the line.
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