Funny Flash Master
300 XP
Yeee! Found a bunch of vegan bread, getting my B12 and a bunch of other stuff in one Red Bull bottle for just 40 pesos a day, peanut butter for my vitamin E, and so forth! Getting grid CSS to work more with my brain. Hahaha. ;p I got my clothes done in a couple or so hours! Nice! A maid cleaned them up, even heat dried my clothes, surprisingly! Some days ago the owner of the building said she would help me out some days before today, but then nothing, so I asked his wife today to contact her. Hehe. The girl made her first ever green tea cold drink, and making an iced and hot coffee with just syrup is something she was unsure if would be good, but they both came out good. The owner bought me a drink, so I got the cold coffee with syrup that time. :3 Cheers!
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