Frontend Guru
900 XP
This method works for verified and unverified accounts. So what you wanna do is contact Epic Games saying you misspelled your email when creating your Epic Games account.
You can do this multiple ways, here are some examples:
1. If the email is like [email protected], make the email [email protected] or a really similar one and say you misspelled it.
2. If the email is like [email protected], make the email [email protected] and say u messed up on writing the domain.
Here’s how to contact Epic Games and make it look believable.
1. Go to:
2. Fill in name on Epic Games account, not your own name.
3. Fill in the email address you made, not the email on the epic games account.
4. Select ‘Update Epic Games Account’
5. Write something along these lines:
If the email is verified say this:
Hi Epic Games,
I recently lost access to my email of my fortnite account. I didn't really care about it but it's a hastle at this point. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could change it to my other email so I can access my account again. My email is [email protected] but I lost access to my other email and theres no chance of getting it back, The epic email was [email protected], I lost access to my whole account and im scared because i spent a lot of money in it. So it would mean a lot to me if you could update the email so I can have my account back to normal.
My epic name is (name on epic). My name is (name on personal info). Country is (where the acc was made). I purchased v bucks around (date, dont know the day? month then) 1,00 V-Bucks - $10,00 for the battlepass and bought the skin (not long than 30 days ago) for (ammount of v-bucks) V-Bucks around (month and skin relase day no need to be specific) not long ago. I have no payment method ( if there is say the last 4 numbers in the card). My XBOX linked is (whatever) and my PSN linked is (whatever)
Thanks for your time,
{Name On Account}
If the account email is unverified here's how to do it:
Hi Epic Games,
I accidentally misspelled my email when creating my fortnite account. I didn't really care about it but it's a hastle at this point. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could change it to my actual email so I can verify my account. My actual email is [email protected] but I misspelled it on my epic games account, I writed [email protected], I used the wrong digit. So it would mean a lot to me if you could update the email so I can verify it.
Thanks for your time.
{Name on Account}
After 6-10 days they will reply asking you to confirm your ownership, normally this is quite easy to do.
This is what they will ask for:
Here are some tips:
- If they ask for your IP address, give them yours but tell them ur on vacation or that u moved house and it's not the same anymore and it’s not your actual IP.
- Creation Date: If they got a rare skin like Renegade Raider you can just say "I don’t know when but definitely in Season 1 (month)"
- Credit Card: You can’t possibly know this but if there is any linked to epic or so tell them the last 4 numbers (0000) most xbox and ps4 accounts never had a credit card connected so just go with that.
- Date of PSN linked: just say u always played on PSN/XBOX and connected the first day u started playing tell them the month, u can see that from the first skin he bought.
- Original Display Name: Try using current display name
- Battle Passes: look at the skins to see what battle passes are bought on the account and tell them the month (Day no need to specify which)
- Wins: look up the wins on Fortnite tracker
The rest should be easy, just try to get as much information as possible.
After you provide Epic Games with these details, they will update your email.
This method works for verified and unverified accounts. So what you wanna do is contact Epic Games saying you misspelled your email when creating your Epic Games account.
You can do this multiple ways, here are some examples:
1. If the email is like [email protected], make the email [email protected] or a really similar one and say you misspelled it.
2. If the email is like [email protected], make the email [email protected] and say u messed up on writing the domain.
Here’s how to contact Epic Games and make it look believable.
1. Go to:
3. Fill in the email address you made, not the email on the epic games account.
4. Select ‘Update Epic Games Account’
5. Write something along these lines:
If the email is verified say this:
Hi Epic Games,
I recently lost access to my email of my fortnite account. I didn't really care about it but it's a hastle at this point. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could change it to my other email so I can access my account again. My email is [email protected] but I lost access to my other email and theres no chance of getting it back, The epic email was [email protected], I lost access to my whole account and im scared because i spent a lot of money in it. So it would mean a lot to me if you could update the email so I can have my account back to normal.
My epic name is (name on epic). My name is (name on personal info). Country is (where the acc was made). I purchased v bucks around (date, dont know the day? month then) 1,00 V-Bucks - $10,00 for the battlepass and bought the skin (not long than 30 days ago) for (ammount of v-bucks) V-Bucks around (month and skin relase day no need to be specific) not long ago. I have no payment method ( if there is say the last 4 numbers in the card). My XBOX linked is (whatever) and my PSN linked is (whatever)
Thanks for your time,
{Name On Account}
If the account email is unverified here's how to do it:
Hi Epic Games,
I accidentally misspelled my email when creating my fortnite account. I didn't really care about it but it's a hastle at this point. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could change it to my actual email so I can verify my account. My actual email is [email protected] but I misspelled it on my epic games account, I writed [email protected], I used the wrong digit. So it would mean a lot to me if you could update the email so I can verify it.
Thanks for your time.
{Name on Account}
After 6-10 days they will reply asking you to confirm your ownership, normally this is quite easy to do.
This is what they will ask for:
Here are some tips:
- If they ask for your IP address, give them yours but tell them ur on vacation or that u moved house and it's not the same anymore and it’s not your actual IP.
- Creation Date: If they got a rare skin like Renegade Raider you can just say "I don’t know when but definitely in Season 1 (month)"
- Credit Card: You can’t possibly know this but if there is any linked to epic or so tell them the last 4 numbers (0000) most xbox and ps4 accounts never had a credit card connected so just go with that.
- Date of PSN linked: just say u always played on PSN/XBOX and connected the first day u started playing tell them the month, u can see that from the first skin he bought.
- Original Display Name: Try using current display name
- Battle Passes: look at the skins to see what battle passes are bought on the account and tell them the month (Day no need to specify which)
- Wins: look up the wins on Fortnite tracker
The rest should be easy, just try to get as much information as possible.
After you provide Epic Games with these details, they will update your email.