Influencer Marketing Manager
400 XP
you know ... life ispaini know that and you know thattoo....
but some times peoplecan domore than that ... can take your pain or can + that ...
here/ tonight / rightnow i needed something ... a simpleVPNfor connect with that and finish my WORKS ....
some people help me with that .... and i love to YELL and say there names to know thembetter....
#SaveThePeace #itzme
i willneverforget them in entire myLIFE.
becouse i live inIRANand i cant connect to the simple internet .
here is war - they are kiling each other becouse of simple thing !! ye . hijaB ( its free in your country and every one - and every person like you can be anything you wanted be . )
here : men - women - girls young girls fighting and dying for they freedom .
they are fighting for what you have right now .
EVERY things in this world need some TIME and Humanity . dont forget that .
HOLDthat and staySTRONG
# HUMANITY{ sry for my bad english }
but some times peoplecan domore than that ... can take your pain or can + that ...
here/ tonight / rightnow i needed something ... a simpleVPNfor connect with that and finish my WORKS ....
some people help me with that .... and i love to YELL and say there names to know thembetter....
#SaveThePeace #itzme
i willneverforget them in entire myLIFE.
becouse i live inIRANand i cant connect to the simple internet .
here is war - they are kiling each other becouse of simple thing !! ye . hijaB ( its free in your country and every one - and every person like you can be anything you wanted be . )
here : men - women - girls young girls fighting and dying for they freedom .
they are fighting for what you have right now .
EVERY things in this world need some TIME and Humanity . dont forget that .
HOLDthat and staySTRONG
# HUMANITY{ sry for my bad english }