Retro Anime Fan
1000 XP
The scraper is for league accounts. Combo creator works for everything. (Standalone in download section)
Combolists work perfectly with Sentry MBA / Lolcracker. Cracker is disabled until further testing!
I couldn't really find any which satisfied me so here you go.
If you want anything added, have a request or find a bug, feel free to message me.
Use the "Lol-Sum" mode if you want it to run fast. Only if the page is loading slow / has issues uses "Lol-Db" or "mixed"
] How to use it:
Planned features:
Ps.: This progressbar actually works unlike the one from Chessus, i had to grin when I saw the code for it ^.^
pps.: Idgaf if you upvote me or not. I don't need a bigger e-penis, I'm a strong, independent, etc., blablabla who cares. Noone will read this anyways.
Btw take my really shitty passlist if you're already here:
Edited by Tesa3, 10 August 2015 - 09:26 PM.
Combolists work perfectly with Sentry MBA / Lolcracker. Cracker is disabled until further testing!
I hate programs which aren't lightweight and fast. I also dislike fancy graphics and stuff you don't need.Changelog:
- bug with the combo tool thanks to ronik
- Added proxy scraper
- Added some other stuff
- Added but disabled cracker
- Some other stuff, will add more detailed changelist at a later point (also updated pictures)
- Changed lol-sum scraping mode to be more precise / efficient
- Changed the way it was creating combos to a faster mode
- Added options tab
- Added different combo modes. 1) Load files completly into ram 2) Only read lines from file. Second is way more stable since the file size doesnt matter. Ram mode is way faster.
- Added speedtest for lol-sum / lol-db
Planned features:
- See if I can make some processes faster
- Add proxy scraper
- Add lol cracker to check combos
- Add lol checker
I couldn't really find any which satisfied me so here you go.
If you want anything added, have a request or find a bug, feel free to message me.
Use the "Lol-Sum" mode if you want it to run fast. Only if the page is loading slow / has issues uses "Lol-Db" or "mixed"
] How to use it:
- Scraper:
- Enter a page you want it to start with
- Enter the range (so if you use 5 it'll scrape 5 pages)
- Enter the number of threads
- Select region and mode. Lol-Sum is usually faster than Lol-DB, I advice using the mode "Lol-Sum" instead of mixed. Only if the pages is loading slow swap to others.
- After job is done you can check for duplicates in the file
- Combo Creator:
- Provide a name file with usernames in each line.
- Provide a pw file which contains passwords you want to use. If you use "%id" it'll replace it with the username. -> "%id123" will be saved as "username123"
- It will save the combolist as "combolist.txt" in the same directory
- It'll read your name & pw file line by line via streamreaders
- Saves combos in cobolist.txt with name:password
- Multithreaded scraping. If you select 2 threads and a range of 10 the first thread will scrape page 16000 -> 16010 and the second one will scrape 16010 -> 16020
- If you select "mixed" it will scrape with half the threads from lol-db and the other half from lol-sum. (Only use if lol-sum is loading slow)
- It calculates the time left before the job is done. (I haven't seen that at all)
- It checks the final file for duplicates
- No fancy pictures or graphics
- Extremly lightweigt
- Extremly fast
- It's compitable with the passlists from Chessus/murtaza61 combo makers (Included in LoL CrackPack2-EXTREME)
- Threads are running streamwriter so even if you lose connection / program / pc crashes you'll have all progress saved
- Fast multithreaded scraping
- Mixed mode incase pages load slow
- Build in duplicate checker
Planned features:
- I might add a proxy scraper / cracker / account checker
- Lolking for the scraper
- Bugfixes (are there any? It shouldn't crash.. in any way, hue)
- Incase it actually crashes send the ex.message in some fancy textbox so it's easier to adress bugs.
- Maybe open source when I feel like it
DOWNLOAD (Zippyshare, because fuck money. Standalone programs are also provided):Finished process with 37526244 total combos in 16 seconds.
-> That's almost 900MB of combos in 16 seconds.
Ps.: This progressbar actually works unlike the one from Chessus, i had to grin when I saw the code for it ^.^
pps.: Idgaf if you upvote me or not. I don't need a bigger e-penis, I'm a strong, independent, etc., blablabla who cares. Noone will read this anyways.
Btw take my really shitty passlist if you're already here:
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