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[EXELAB] Video course 2019 (14GB)


Big O Analyzer
K Rep
K Vouches
LEVEL 1 100 XP
Hidden text, you need have 1 reaction, now you have 0 reactions. What is a bit, byte, number system.
The internal structure of files: what is the difference between files with a program, with a picture, with text.
Program analysis, including entropy.
Computer architecture: how the processor works and how it interacts with the system.
We get acquainted with the main cracker tools, with the debugger OllyDbg, IDA Pro.
What are registers, flags, stack, segments.
How can a cracker approach assembly language.
The internal structure of the executable file, PE format.
Dealing with "name - password" protection.
We are learning to unpack the program: take a dump, restore imports.
Protector surprises: code littering and morphing, virtual machines, encrypted code.
Cracker tool counter systems.
Dealing with the protection of Android applications. We use an Android emulator.
Information about hardware keys and methods of dealing with them.
What to do if the program is created on the .NET platform.
How to cope with the protection tied "to the Internet".
...as well as other interesting topics on cracking.
Section "Hacking"
50 video tutorials covering topics such as:
Hacker basic knowledge: Internet protocols (HTTP, TCP, IP, IPv6, DNS, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, DHCP, ICMP, ports), Wireshark traffic analysis tool, traffic encapsulation, link layer.
Hacker operating systems: Kali Linux, Tails, Whonix.
Ensuring the anonymity of a hacker: VPN and its creation, TOR and I2P networks, encrypted hard drive and Truecrypt, hidden second Windows on the computer.
How a hacker is calculated: by IP, by MAC address, neighbor WiFi identifiers, cell phone location tracking, IPv6 vulnerability.
Virus-safe browser and Sandbox.
Social engineering as a hacking method.
Cryptocurrencies, like money for a hacker, anonymous cashing.
Hacking WiFi networks, Aircrack and Wifite tools.
Searching for vulnerabilities on the site manually and with scanners, draining the database.
Vulnerabilities in equipment and hardware. Chipocalypse.
How exactly do hackers make money?
Section "Reversing"
Detailed study of how to work with a complex but powerful "Number 1" tool for reverser: IDA Pro (several video tutorials)
What is reversing. When reversing is rational.
How reversing is related to cracking and programming.
Why full automatic decompilation is impossible.
Disassembler IDA Pro. Application area. Key features.
Working with the decompiler and debugger included in IDA Pro.
Protecting IDA Pro from anti-debugging tricks.
Automation of work in IDA Pro. Scripts and examples.
IDA Pro. Interaction with the OllyDbg debugger.
Disassembly of hardware firmware.
Deception of the IDA Pro disassembly engine.
IDA Pro. Manual code analysis. Loading FLIRT signatures.
Cross references. Protection of programs from IDA.
Remote debugging (from a Windows computer debug a program on Linux).
Debugging a program with errors in the IDA Pro debugger, visual debugging.
Reversal practice. Branching. Code optimization. Decompiler.
Reversal practice. cycles. Arrays. structures.
Reversal practice. Coprocessor and its instructions. Replacement operations.
Reversal practice. MMX,SSE,AVX. All about 64 bits.
Hacker, cracker, programmer and reverser tools. Already 800 pieces!!!
There are so many of them: from the most necessary, to exotic and rarely used. In a way, I collect them. How can I tell you briefly about them here? Hmm, let's just look at the categories into which all the tools are laid out - there are 24 of them (categories), so on average there are 33 tools in each category.
Analyzers - Analyzers of executable files (recognition of packers, compilers) and any types of files not by extension, but by content.
Assembler - Assembler, low-level programming.
Crackers - This includes all sorts of programs for guessing passwords for RAR, ZIP, The BAT, Office
Crypto - Tools related to encryption and hash cracking, RSA and more
Debuggers - Program debuggers for Windows platforms from 95 to 7. Here you will find OllyDbg, SoftICE.
Decompilers - Program decompilers - make it possible to get almost the source code of the program. For delphi, for basic, which helps to greatly simplify the study of the program.
Disassemblers - Disassemblers. They allow you to get an assembler listing of your program, but only if it has not been packed by a packer or has already been unpacked...
Dongles and LMs - A toolkit for examining dongles and a collection for analyzing license managers, especially FlexLM.
dotNET - Everything for researching .NET decompilers, disassemblers, bytecode viewers.
EXE Tools - Everything for editing PE files. Header editors, resource editors, dumpers, section trimmers, rebuilders.
HEX Editors - Hex editors, other editors.
JAVA Android - Java and Android VM Code Exploration Tools Dalvik. Smali decompiler and compiler.
Monitors - Monitors that monitor the system, reading files, reading keys from the registry, showing the functions, windows, handles used by Winapi.
Network - Tools related to the network, both local and Internet. Sniffer TCP, HTTP, DNS, local, WiFi traffic.
Other - User-cracker programs that allow you not to hack the program, but to deceive it by changing the system time, deleting keys in the registry, where programs store information about the days of use.
Packers - Packers of executable files. My exclusive collection. I highly recommend: UPX, PECompact, ASPack, FSG.
Patchgens - A small collection of patchers. With the help of which you can easily make a patch for the program if you already have a patched version of the program. Moreover, it is not necessary to patch an unpacked file, some patchers can also patch packed files.
Prog tools - Developer tools, some radio programs and other programs mentioned in the video tutorials on the disc.
Protectors - Collection of EXE protectors.
Special Tools - A collection of cracker tools.
Sources - Sources of interesting cracker and system tools, archivers.
Spy - Tools with a spy bias. With their help, you can find out what traces of your work in Windows, on the Internet remained on the computer: what passwords were saved in browsers, what files were opened, what Wifi networks were connected to when the computer was turned on and off.
Tools - Auxiliary tools for the programmer.
Unpackers - A universal set of automatic unpackers for protectors and packers for EXE files.
Books. About 100 full scanned books!
For 2015: More than 20 books in Russian in 2015, they cover such topics as: new PHP programming methods, information storage and protection, Arduino platform devices, HTML5 technology, search engine optimization, Python language, Java 8, javascript and others.
For 2016: More than 30 books of 2016 release in Russian. These books cover topics such as: modern iOS programming with Swift, programming with Python, Ruby and Go, working with Git, creating microservices, C and C ++ for beginners, Java, Android programming, modern Javascript ( ECMAScript 6), two books on algorithms and data structures, programmer psychology.
For 2017: About 40 books of 2017 release, all books in Russian. The books cover such topics as: programming theorems and problems, C# development, game programming, the Unity engine, application programming in Python, C ++, Ruby on Rails web programming, PHP 7, Javascript (ECMAScript) 6, JQuery, node.js, React, Angular, the Arduino platform for developing microelectronic crafts, and a couple of other interesting books.
For 2018: Some of the most recent books for the last year, all books in Russian. The books cover topics such as: neural networks and their training, working with Google's website analytics system, programming in the Angular.js environment, and something about hacking and information security.
More about all video tutorials on PROGRAMMING
Video tutorials on algorithms and data structures. In the amount of 13 lessons.
From these lessons you will learn everything about binary trees and graphs, understand what hash tables and sets are, unit testing, dynamic programming, stacks, arrays and sorting algorithms.
Assembly video tutorials. In the amount of 70 lessons.
A set of video tutorials, which is a holistic course that opens up all the possibilities of assembly language. It's no secret that a cracker, in most cases, needs more superficial knowledge of assembler. And this course will be useful when you want to become not only a cracker, but also a system programmer.
Java programming for Android. Video lessons.
Applications on Andoid devices are often written in Java, which is currently one of the leading cross-platform programming languages. The importance of learning the Java language cannot be overestimated, since any specialist who is fluent in it is now snapped up. The video course includes 70 lessons that reveal this amazing programming language in detail and step by step.
More than 30 video tutorials on the growing popularity of the Swift language,...
...developed and promoted by Apple, as the main programming language for Apple devices: iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Apple TV. First of all, the course is interesting because Swift is the most modern programming language that is gaining its popularity here and now.
Python language or in Russian Python. Over 20 video tutorials.
Python is a modern developed scripting programming language, and besides, it is also cross-platform. As a result, entire websites and even games are written on it. And these are two huge niches in modern software development. Even the IDA Pro disassembler uses this language to provide its own automation: the Python engine is used to run IDA-Python scripts.
Video tutorials on web programming in PHP.
More than 50 PHP video tutorials explaining web programming from simple to complex: basic commands and structures of the PHP language, interaction with the database (SQL) and browser technologies (Javascript, ajax, jquery). Dive into object-oriented programming: classes, methods, anonymous functions, traits, Reflection class features, as well as design patterns Factory, Strategy, Decorator and some other video tutorials.
About 20 SQL video tutorials...
...using Microsoft SQL as an example, also called Transact-SQL or MSSQL. In addition, several lessons on MongoDB within the framework of the topic of non-SQL data manipulation.
The SQL query language is the foundation for storing and displaying data to help with databases. Without the SQL language, the database would be just a lifeless table with data. But everything changes when we use SQL: we get the necessary data from different tables with maximum speed, getting the desired result. This includes displaying articles on your site and reports on your finances from an accounting program, invoices, maintaining goods and orders in stores, and much more. These are the possibilities that communication with SQL opens up for us.
MongoDB video tutorials as an example of modern non-SQL technology for working with data. Compared to SQL, mongoDB allows you to increase the speed of working with data, but it somewhat reduces the features available in SQL, such as complex queries.
Hidden text, you need have 1 reaction, now you have 0 reactions.



