Code Modularizer
400 XP
Features Combo Settings:
- Full Combo Key
- Use R with Combo List (enemies amount)
- Use W with Combo
- Use Items with Combo
- Harass Key
- Harass Mode (Q + E, Q)
- Toggle to use Q
- Toggle to use E
- Min. Mana Percent Slider
- Flee Key (we will move to the mouse position and we will activate the W [configurable] for movement speed and Q for harass [also configurable])
- Toggle to Flee with Q
- Toggle to Flee with W
- Lane Clear Key
- Toggle to Lane Clear with Q
- Toggle to Lane Clear with E
- Jungle Clear Key
- Toggle to Jungle Clear with Q
- Toggle to Jungle Clear with E
- Toggle to Smart Killsteal
- Toggle for Auto Ignite
- Toggle to disable all drawings
- Toggle to draw AA range
- Toggle to draw target
- Toggle to draw Q range
- Toggle to draw E range
- Toggle to draw R range
Lag Free Circles:
+ Toggle to enable LFC
+ Quality slider
+ Width slider
- Cast spells using packets
- SkinHack
- Copy script.
- Click "New Script" in "Custom Scripts" tab.
- Paste the script and click "Save".
- Name it - "Evelynn - Widowmaker".
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