Doujin Translator
300 XP
Hello everyone, Dev's here and thats my Evelynn Guide for Bronze-D5 In this guide there'll be 1- Jungle Clear 2- Item Build 3- Mechanics , Timings 4- How to get back ahead and how to control, zone your enemies away Summoner Spells For Clear 1 and 2 is Smite/Ignite So lets start with the jungle clear, Evelynn clear is pretty easy, it goes like this In gold-silver elo your clear should be : 1- Blue 2- Wolves ( Dont Smite Them ) 3- Chickens 4- Red and walk bottom Clear 2: 1- Enemy Blue 2- Your Red 3- Krugs 4- Walk top , force flash or first blood 5- Recall , take wolves/blue/gromp and walk bot ======================================================================================================================================= This two clears works for Bronze to Plat 3 or 2 , Clear 3 : 1, Stop using ignite and use flash now, in this elo there's a lot of mistakes that happens and u really need flash since you'll be playing against good players 2- Start your blue 3- take wolves 4- go to red and walk top to force a flash if he's pushing if not go walk mid 5- Once flash is forced you can tax your midlaner get level 4 clear your rest jungle recall and get a mobility boots or stalker blade ===================================================================================================================================== Item Build : 1- Tailsman , Stalker Blade if against blue smite if against squishy targets Red smite if against Kha zix,rengar,etc =assassins 2- Always get a early The Dark Seal if you're ahead , then take Runic echo next 3- If your team is lacking of ad's even if not just go straight titanic hydra, and then get Sterak gage or Maw depends on enemy team 4- Follow it up with lichbane and GA and you're godlike 5- Boots : choose between mobility or treads Item Build 2: 1- Tailsman , Stalker or Red smite 2- Runic echoes , the dark seal 3- Lichbane 4- Rylai's 5- If ahead, Rabadons if not , Void Staff 6- If lost all stacks replace darkseal with zhonyas or just take mobility boots Item Build 3: I call this the forbidden one , "HARAM" for your enemies