Cheeky Mastermind
300 XP
Hi people of Nulled
I have been an elobooster for about a year now after trying different eloboosting companies and have a lot of experience in eloboosting.
I have been a lurker here for a while and decided it is time that I create an account and maybe try this forum out.
I want to begin my legacy on this forum by doing free eloboosting for various people and by getting a lot of vouchers and proof.
I can eloboost at most tiers and divisions and at most servers although I prefer the european ones due to better ping.
I prefer soloing but if you want to duo we can figure something out.
I dont use scripts or anything like that and none that I eloboosted in the past got even a chat ban nor a permanent ban.
I want to prioritize eloboosting reputable and known people among the forum so the more known and more reputable you are the more I will eloboost you.
I will also prioritize people who can get me an unranked account on the EUW server as I am in need of accounts to climb on.
I will eloboost you for as much as I want depending on the situation and how I feel and will stop whenever I want.
Dont bother messaging me if you are either dumb toxic or cannot speak english somewhat properly.
If you do need an eloboost please message me with the title of the message being ELOBOOSTING otherwise I will not reply at all. This is important.
I will try to constantly update the thread whenever I am free to eloboost and after I finish eloboosting sharing the results of every game that was played.
I have been an elobooster for about a year now after trying different eloboosting companies and have a lot of experience in eloboosting.
I have been a lurker here for a while and decided it is time that I create an account and maybe try this forum out.
I want to begin my legacy on this forum by doing free eloboosting for various people and by getting a lot of vouchers and proof.
I can eloboost at most tiers and divisions and at most servers although I prefer the european ones due to better ping.
I prefer soloing but if you want to duo we can figure something out.
I dont use scripts or anything like that and none that I eloboosted in the past got even a chat ban nor a permanent ban.
I want to prioritize eloboosting reputable and known people among the forum so the more known and more reputable you are the more I will eloboost you.
I will also prioritize people who can get me an unranked account on the EUW server as I am in need of accounts to climb on.
I will eloboost you for as much as I want depending on the situation and how I feel and will stop whenever I want.
Dont bother messaging me if you are either dumb toxic or cannot speak english somewhat properly.
If you do need an eloboost please message me with the title of the message being ELOBOOSTING otherwise I will not reply at all. This is important.
I will try to constantly update the thread whenever I am free to eloboost and after I finish eloboosting sharing the results of every game that was played.