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Easy way to get IP in LOL


Identity Recovery Specialist
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LEVEL 1 300 XP
IP (Influence Points) are the primary currency in League of Legends. They are required to purchase everything from new champions to runes and player portraits. Runes especially are good at eating up your IP stash, and are necessary if you want to compete at the highest levels of the game. Luckily most activities in LoL award IP, albeit in different amounts and for different things. However there are some methods and game types that award larger amounts of IP for the amount of time invested and can be used to "farm" a good chunk of IP on a regular basis. We'll take a look at the fastest ways to earn IP in order to keep those champions/ runes/ etc. rolling in.
IP Boosts
If you've got the cash this is by far the best way to go when you want to earn a lot of IP fast. IP boosts come in 2 varieties, time dependent and win dependent. The time dependent boosts will give you 200% bonus IP for any game played as long as the time on the boost has not expired. You can get a variety of time limits from 1 day to a month.
Win dependent boosts award the same bonus IP, but only if you win the game. These boosts only expire once you've won the set number of wins for the boost. You can get win IP boosts of 2 to 50 wins.
Winning Games
A bit of a no brainer but relevant regardless. You will earn much more IP for winning games then losing them. If you are terrible at Aram but good at summoners rift, stick with the rift as one win there is worth a handful of losses in Aram.
The length of the game also plays into how much IP you earn, so even though Summoners Rift matches play out longer than Aram matches, you could still end up with the same amount or more had you played two Arams. Again winning or losing will drastically alter these amounts.
Daily IP Bonus
This handy bonus is something you should be taking advantage of everyday to maximize your IP earnings. For your first victory of the day in any game type (except customs) you will receive a bonus of 150 IP. This daily bonus will then become available 23 hours after you win that game.
Dominion calculates the IP gained each game a little differently than the other game types. Instead of strictly using the game type, length and outcome as the deciding factors on how much IP you will receive, it also figures the health of the nexus int the equation.
When you win a Dominion match you will gain more IP the more health your nexus has at the end of the match, If you lose in Dominion, you will gain more IP the lower the health of the winning team. If you're really good at Dominion, farming IP may be faster for you in this game type because of the bonuses rewarded for victories, and even for a close loss.
No Bot Games
Especially once you hit level 30, but generally at any level bot games will award much less than when you are playing against human opponents. However, if you are under level 30 and losing a lot playing bot matches and winning can be more lucrative than constantly losing real matches.
Verifying Your Email
If you haven't already, verifying your email rewards you with a 4 win IP boost. It's not a whole lot, but every little bit helps, especially when all you have to do is click a link.



