Communication Encryption Auditor
400 XP
I see this everywhere, people selling slayer leecher keywords and stuff
people saying sqli is better then slayer but not why.
I am gonna explain the difference for you right now.
I will not explain how to use the tools, if you want me to do that. Let me know
What is slayer leecher?
Slayer leecher is a free tool used to collect information mostly from pastebin.
If you have ever used slayer leecher you know that you need to only select the pastebin option
in the "search option" tab.
This is becouse your keywords will look from different pastebins to collect combolists accounts and result.
Basicly slayer leecher works, I've alot of accounts from it BUT the result you get is PUBLIC meaning that what you find mostly likely someone else already found
What is SQLI (SQLI Dumper and Dorks)
Sqli Dumper is a tool that performce SQLI Injections on websites.
If you don't know what sqli is, search "sqli and dorks" on youtube and watch a video.
It gets access to the websites database where you then get your email and password from
Dorks is google secret search function. For example
inurl: "sqli-dumper" site:to
This will make you get all the result of websites that ends with .to and have sqli-dumper in the url.
For example suxx.to nulled.to
Try it and you'll see.
This is hard imo and I am still learning it, but if you are good at dorks and sqli you can get exactly what you want and it will be private af.
Slayer leecher will get you public result but is easy to use
SQLI will get you private result but is hard to use and require time to learn it
-xStrom (My actual username, will change "Yasaka17" to "xStrom" soon
people saying sqli is better then slayer but not why.
I am gonna explain the difference for you right now.
I will not explain how to use the tools, if you want me to do that. Let me know
What is slayer leecher?
Slayer leecher is a free tool used to collect information mostly from pastebin.
If you have ever used slayer leecher you know that you need to only select the pastebin option
in the "search option" tab.
This is becouse your keywords will look from different pastebins to collect combolists accounts and result.
Basicly slayer leecher works, I've alot of accounts from it BUT the result you get is PUBLIC meaning that what you find mostly likely someone else already found
What is SQLI (SQLI Dumper and Dorks)
Sqli Dumper is a tool that performce SQLI Injections on websites.
If you don't know what sqli is, search "sqli and dorks" on youtube and watch a video.
It gets access to the websites database where you then get your email and password from
Dorks is google secret search function. For example
inurl: "sqli-dumper" site:to
This will make you get all the result of websites that ends with .to and have sqli-dumper in the url.
For example suxx.to nulled.to
Try it and you'll see.
This is hard imo and I am still learning it, but if you are good at dorks and sqli you can get exactly what you want and it will be private af.
Slayer leecher will get you public result but is easy to use
SQLI will get you private result but is hard to use and require time to learn it
-xStrom (My actual username, will change "Yasaka17" to "xStrom" soon