Anime Villain Enthusiast
700 XP
[WORKING] 22 MAY 2021
You need:
1-A phone
2-A cash out account
Method :
First of all download this application:
OR use this QR
2- You NEED to make a female profile with any fake picture [More pictures = More credible = more money] There are no need for large e-whoring packs. Thus not considered E-whoring
3-Upload the pictures into your profile and wait for a couple of seconds
4- You will find ALOTof messages sent to you, The more messages you get the more money you make , you try your best to make the conversation long and you can easily make $10 a day replying only for an hour or two.
5-Payouts are done weekly on sundays with a minimum of 700 Diamond(Eq. $10) and you can make up to 2 diamonds/ message
6-Raise your profits by authenticating the account[DOUBLE PROFIT],
Feel free to contact me and i will help you to authenticate the account and maximize your profits.
I've been using this for 10 days right now and i made about $120 replying to messages only
Currently working on an auto reply bot on emulator for COMPLETE AUTOPILOT [90% DONE , CONTACT ME FOR TEST]
Feel free to contact me for authentication and helping you out to cashout before next sunday [2 days of work only = $30]
You need:
1-A phone
2-A cash out account
Method :
First of all download this application:
3-Upload the pictures into your profile and wait for a couple of seconds
4- You will find ALOTof messages sent to you, The more messages you get the more money you make , you try your best to make the conversation long and you can easily make $10 a day replying only for an hour or two.
5-Payouts are done weekly on sundays with a minimum of 700 Diamond(Eq. $10) and you can make up to 2 diamonds/ message
6-Raise your profits by authenticating the account[DOUBLE PROFIT],
Feel free to contact me and i will help you to authenticate the account and maximize your profits.
I've been using this for 10 days right now and i made about $120 replying to messages only
Currently working on an auto reply bot on emulator for COMPLETE AUTOPILOT [90% DONE , CONTACT ME FOR TEST]
Feel free to contact me for authentication and helping you out to cashout before next sunday [2 days of work only = $30]