Snarky Genius
900 XP
Malphite is really a good top champion and teamfighter is easy to play and if you build it full tank you can go with ulti in all and win a teamfight
Shen is a good top laner with decent sustain very tanky and helpful in teamfights you can save an allie with the ultimate and catch an enemy with the taunt.
Renekton is a good top laner with sustain damage and tanky if a good counter for much champions like Garen , Pantheon etc...
Edited by laxusdreyarligh, 06 September 2015 - 03:01 PM.
Malphite is really a good top champion and teamfighter is easy to play and if you build it full tank you can go with ulti in all and win a teamfight
- Ultimate scales off 100% of AP.
- Very tanky.
- Nice Initiation tool with ultimate
- Her ultimate is also a great escape skill.
- Decent CC with Q and Ultimate.
- Built-in Shield from Passive.
- His E Scales off Armour.
- He can beat nearly everyone in lane.
- Not very easy to kill
- He can struggle with Mana early.
- His ultimate is not instant like Flash.
- No good escapes like a dash pre 6 except Q.
- Can dodge his ultimate with Flash or Ability.
- Can lack damage if you just build Tanky.
Shen is a good top laner with decent sustain very tanky and helpful in teamfights you can save an allie with the ultimate and catch an enemy with the taunt.
- High sustain
- Teleport as an ultimate
- Good lane hararass
- Can carry teamfights if team follows your taunts.
- Good peel in teamfights with a taunt than can hit all 5 if they line up
- Under powered self shield compared to others.
- No AOE damage.
- Relies on his teammates for damage in teamfights.
- Slow pushing unless built damage.
Renekton is a good top laner with sustain damage and tanky if a good counter for much champions like Garen , Pantheon etc...
- Sustain and fast wave clear.
- Slice and Dice xD.
- Strong lane phase.
- High Burst.
- Strong ultimate.
- Falls of late game.
- Can only fight with his abilities
Edited by laxusdreyarligh, 06 September 2015 - 03:01 PM.