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earn money by booking hotels for almost free


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LEVEL 1 200 XP
I have myself ran a very profitable hotel booking service on many cracking forums. The reason why I stopped doing is the amount of stress it would give you, hotels are booked illegally so you never know what can happen during the stay of your customer. But I can guarantee you I was making over 4.000$ a month by running this service.

You can also use this method to book hotels for yourself and your family and save a shit-ton of money.

Our "illegal" booking service/method is based on Hilton Honors, we're booking every single hotel thru Hilton Honors (https://www.hilton.com/en/hilton-honors/). You may ask yourself "Yes, okay and what now?", I'll make it short for u, you're cracking or else buying Hilton Honors accounts with points on them, you'll book hotels via cracked accounts with points and for yourself.

If you're unable to crack accounts, there's a very legit supplier of Hilton Honors that I have personally been using: https://spadone.sellpass.io/?r=lonely (no referral: https://www.spadone.cc), he is selling accounts from 10k up to 1M points for cheap! He was the main guy behind my successful booking service.

Here comes the method on how to book them:
- First of all, download the Hilton Honors app on your phone or an emulator but do not BOOK a hotel thru their WEBSITE, you'll trigger their security and won't be able to book hotels since they will want you to give them the code they sent you to the owner's email. SO ONLY VIA THE APP!!
- When the app has been downloaded, open it and login with the cracked credentials you've purchased or got yourself.
- Now search for any city you'd like to book a hotel and when you're pressing on "Show results" make sure to enable "Search with Points".
- Now you'll see all the hotels that accept points, choose one and then press on "See Available Rooms".
- Now you got the possibility to book a room for yourself or family/customer with the points.
- Before confirming the booking information, make sure you have selected 2 adults (if you're going alone, select 2 adults, if you're going with a friend do 3 adults. Basically always add 1 extra adult in the search because you'll be booking as guests. So always take in count that there's the owner, you are 3 in total, then with the owner it will be 4, so 4 adults in the search. Makes sense?)
- Add yourself in the extra guests and write a note about how you're letting your nephew check-in and check-out for yourself since you won't show up (the owner won't show up, write it as you were in the POV of the owner). Let them know you're going to be checking in.
- While/after or before booking the room please bomb the owner with emails so he gets lost and doesn't see the confirmation email.
- You're now all set and you can book hotels for cheap, almost free and even run a service from it



