Network Reconnaissance Specialist
400 XP
This is a confirmed method that is legit and could be useful for supplying yourself with an additional income of $5-6 a day for only 1 hour of 'work'. You can earn much more depending on the effort and time you're willing to put into it.
The ONLY REQUIREMENT is a working Paypal email address in order to receive your funds and that you're from the UK/USA. Other countries can sign up however I'm not sure on how much you could earn daily as it depends on the quantity available for your region.
Proof of earnings: The above screenshot shows my money after around 4 hours of using this method.
The website I use daily is ClixSense. Depending on the quantity and quality of the surveys, it's possible to make $6 an hour.
The biggest tip I can offer when using ClixSense is to use the daily surveys located towards the bottom, for example 'Your Surveys' or 'Global Test Market'. Your Surveys is repeatable unlimited times until they have run out and is very useful when starting out. Global Test Market pays much more, although you can only do these once per 4 hours. Fortunately you can sometimes receive multiple surveys in a row (I've received up to 3-4) and they pay $1.25 for 15 minutes of work each. I've also received surveys that took 5-10 minutes or less through them!
Never click on the PTC or pay per view ads as you will making minuscule amounts of money (0.005 cents) and ultimately wasting your time when you could be earning $5+ instead.
Referral link:
Non-referral link:
Clicking on referral links is appreciated and helps support me but it is not required!
Hope this method helps! I'll be happy to respond to any questions or queries within this thread.
I have included both referral and non-referral links that are clearly stated so please let me know if referral links are not allowed.
Edited by TheNullifier, 15 November 2015 - 07:07 AM.
The ONLY REQUIREMENT is a working Paypal email address in order to receive your funds and that you're from the UK/USA. Other countries can sign up however I'm not sure on how much you could earn daily as it depends on the quantity available for your region.
Proof of earnings: The above screenshot shows my money after around 4 hours of using this method.
The website I use daily is ClixSense. Depending on the quantity and quality of the surveys, it's possible to make $6 an hour.
The biggest tip I can offer when using ClixSense is to use the daily surveys located towards the bottom, for example 'Your Surveys' or 'Global Test Market'. Your Surveys is repeatable unlimited times until they have run out and is very useful when starting out. Global Test Market pays much more, although you can only do these once per 4 hours. Fortunately you can sometimes receive multiple surveys in a row (I've received up to 3-4) and they pay $1.25 for 15 minutes of work each. I've also received surveys that took 5-10 minutes or less through them!
Never click on the PTC or pay per view ads as you will making minuscule amounts of money (0.005 cents) and ultimately wasting your time when you could be earning $5+ instead.
Referral link:
Non-referral link:
Clicking on referral links is appreciated and helps support me but it is not required!
Hope this method helps! I'll be happy to respond to any questions or queries within this thread.
I have included both referral and non-referral links that are clearly stated so please let me know if referral links are not allowed.
Edited by TheNullifier, 15 November 2015 - 07:07 AM.