SERP Explorer
1000 XP
You will need a computer, Paypal and a GMAIL account only! Follow the steps carefully!
First you want to go to :
If you dont use that link the method wont work because you need to have a referrer link
to complete it. Next you would
have to sign up and make sure you use a gmail account not yahoo or hotmail because you
wont get the confirmation email. Once youve confirmed your email, login to your account
and click on the video on your home page. You don't need to fully watch the video just
skip to the end. After that,update your paypal address so they can pay you your first
dollar instantly. Once you receive your first dollar they automatically get more peopel
to sign up with your link and you earn $1 per sign up. The website automatically gets you
50 people to sign up with your link so you instantly earn $50 a day with this method. Basically after you do the sign up, confirmation,login to watch video, and update your
papal address, you instantly start receiving $50-$100 a day ( the first couple steps are
important because thats the only way you become qualified to get instant paypal money!
Payments are done every week via paypal so you earn weeky.
Payment Proof:
First you want to go to :
If you dont use that link the method wont work because you need to have a referrer link
to complete it. Next you would
have to sign up and make sure you use a gmail account not yahoo or hotmail because you
wont get the confirmation email. Once youve confirmed your email, login to your account
and click on the video on your home page. You don't need to fully watch the video just
skip to the end. After that,update your paypal address so they can pay you your first
dollar instantly. Once you receive your first dollar they automatically get more peopel
to sign up with your link and you earn $1 per sign up. The website automatically gets you
50 people to sign up with your link so you instantly earn $50 a day with this method. Basically after you do the sign up, confirmation,login to watch video, and update your
papal address, you instantly start receiving $50-$100 a day ( the first couple steps are
important because thats the only way you become qualified to get instant paypal money!
Payments are done every week via paypal so you earn weeky.
Payment Proof: