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So here I'm going to be sharing what got me from Bronze in Season 3 to Gold in Season 4 and Diamond in Season 5. They're quite simple tricks, that with the help of scripts (or not) will see you climbing divisions in no time. Remember and leave a rep if you liked this guide, it took quite a while to write.
So here are my tips on climbing ELO, you can take my advice, or not, I don't care, it will be you that is stuck in silver for life.
Let's get started
I will be listing these in order of difficulty (sort of, not really) - but it will vary from person to person. Try to tackle one or two at a time, don't try to do them all then give up because you can't.
Please note these aren't script specific tips, they will be very helpful even if you play legit - but for the sake of avoiding confusion, I will leave out things such as kiting and hitting skill shots.
1. Camera lock
This is the most important thing. No joke, playing locked camera is awful. There is no freedom, so make it your #1 priority to learn to never play with locked camera. Don't give me some bullshit like "No it's ok I press Y to move camera when I'm firing a skill shot" - don't even say it. I told you to learn to play with free cam, so do it or suck. Sure it's possible to play in diamond with locked camera, and it's possible to get there with it too, but it's so much harder. You will see yourself gaining ranks in no time as soon as you learn this. I garen-tee it.
2. Warding and subsequent map awareness
So this applies to all positions. Support especially. Just buy a sight stone and follow what this says if you're support, maybe just do it a bit more often because you're often able to get away for a second or two to place that ward, or clear that pink, because in all honesty you probably don't matter as much as the rest of the team in a fight. (Sure if you're team is squishy as hell and you're a full AP Soraka that might not be the case, but generally the support is less useful in a fight than the other team members)
As any player in league of legends it's important to ward. Since the introduction of yellow trinkets it's slightly easier to remember to ward, but more than 2 thirds of players never buy a ward. Funnily enough more than 2 thirds of people are in Bronze/Silver too. Coincidence? I think not.
On your first back buy a pink ward and place it somewhere good, I find that in river bush or tribush often works well, unless you know that they frequently ward somewhere specific. Try to avoid placing it in lane bushes, unless you're mid. I don't advise placing pinks in enemy jungle until mid-late game because they will just be cleared and you probably won't get much more than you would from a green. You should always try to have a pink and 2-3 greens out at once, tbh it doesn't even really matter where just so long as they're out there providing jungle or lane vision for your team. Try to avoid placing pinks too deep, or in places you know the enemy is around a lot because they will just be destroyed. Putting pinks beyond the enemy buff line is a bad idea.
Just think in your head whenever you go back, "What do plats do?" - Buy wards when they b and glance at the map every time they're not engaging.
Going back to point one, when you're in lane you should try to keep your camera with river in sight all the time to watch for ganks (river should be warded). You shouldn't put camera beyond either towers, unless you're being ganked and are diving/being dived.
3. Know how to harass.
I remember when I was gold playing with my ranked team against a friend's ranked team in a custom game. They were high diamond, we were low plat. This was when I started to learn to play properly. I was the team adc, and I thought that my support and I were the best combo in the world. I was Kalista and I had Leona support, he was playing Vayne. Without a support. And we got absolutely destroyed. Before the game I thought to myself "Ok, he's diamond 1, I'd better farm really well this game because otherwise he'll rek us late game" - but I was wrong.
I tried to farm really hard, and even then he out farmed me. This was because I had to go back about once every 3 minutes. Every time he wasn't last hitting he was hitting me or my support, chunking down the damage while still getting almost every farm. Now with scripts there should be no excuse for not doing this, because theres a button that does it for you. On SAC:R it's C by default. Just hold it and walk near them. It will last hit, and when it's not not last hitting it will auto attack an enemy champ. Easy. This way you will be able to keep them low for an engage, but also let you farm up. It's not really complicated but it takes some practice to get it down properly. Don't just last hit and leave them alone, and don't just auto minions every time you can. It's pretty simple.
4. Gank shit
Sky Williams put it pretty well- "Gank shit, buy a ward, don't die" (will put source soon) and this is basically true. He was talking about jungle specifically here, but really it applies to all lanes. As top you should be looking at bot frequently to see if there is a potential teleport play you can do, as support look mid, as mid look top and bot, you get the idea. It all comes down to map awareness. If you're ahead and your teammates are behind, gank them and try and get a kill for them or yourself. Heck even if you're behind try and roam to get kills (don't roam and solo dive tower 1v3, you're not god m8). Just try and share the love, don't farm till 20 mins then all mid. Unless you're Nasus.
5. Play the meta
I don't care if you're best Galio jungle NA. I don't care if you went 90/5/10 in your last game as Riven support - these picks aren't meta because they suck. Just because they went well this one time doesn't make them strong. Just stick to the meta. For example in Silver the meta is to play stupid hyper carry champions like Yi and Cass. Meta stands for Most Effective Tactics Available. Most people don't know that, but it's called meta for a reason. Like right now Rammus, Brand, and Taric are very strong because of new mysteries. This makes them the meta right now.
It's always changing because of champion buffs/nerfs, so look at LCS, LPL, whatever you want to watch. But do NOT, DO NOT, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT watching high ELO soloq players to see what works. BoxBox played Riven adc and won? Good for him. He has stupid number of games on Riven, he's a god. That doesn't mean it's a good pick. It just means he's good at the champion and his enemies probably sucked. Don't mistake bad enemies for you being good.
6. Build properly
If your jungler bought an item with a unique aura, don't buy it too. Watch what your team and enemies build and shape your itemisation around it. I mean sure, it's ok to always rush IE or Essence Reaver on adcs, but look at guides on mobafire or solomid and itemise for your enemies and allies, don't just build he same each game.
7. "Fight your enemy where he is not"
This is a phrase from Sun Tsu's "The Art Of War" - a very old Chinese book that the general Sun Tsu wrote on how to, basically, win at war. What he ended up writing was a book on how to win at just about everything. It's not very long, it's about 80 pages and is well worth a read. I read it when I was about 14 and it's helped me a lot, it's just an awesome book. Anyway, this post has enough anecdotes already so let's just get to what it means.
Well, it's open to interpretation exactly what it means.
I'll let you decide for yourself. Just think about it.
So that's all I can think of for now but be sure to rep and check back if you want to see more guides. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to request one specifically and I'll see if I can get it done. It doesnt have to be league related.
Check some of my other topics and rep them too
So here are my tips on climbing ELO, you can take my advice, or not, I don't care, it will be you that is stuck in silver for life.
Let's get started
I will be listing these in order of difficulty (sort of, not really) - but it will vary from person to person. Try to tackle one or two at a time, don't try to do them all then give up because you can't.
Please note these aren't script specific tips, they will be very helpful even if you play legit - but for the sake of avoiding confusion, I will leave out things such as kiting and hitting skill shots.
1. Camera lock
This is the most important thing. No joke, playing locked camera is awful. There is no freedom, so make it your #1 priority to learn to never play with locked camera. Don't give me some bullshit like "No it's ok I press Y to move camera when I'm firing a skill shot" - don't even say it. I told you to learn to play with free cam, so do it or suck. Sure it's possible to play in diamond with locked camera, and it's possible to get there with it too, but it's so much harder. You will see yourself gaining ranks in no time as soon as you learn this. I garen-tee it.
2. Warding and subsequent map awareness
So this applies to all positions. Support especially. Just buy a sight stone and follow what this says if you're support, maybe just do it a bit more often because you're often able to get away for a second or two to place that ward, or clear that pink, because in all honesty you probably don't matter as much as the rest of the team in a fight. (Sure if you're team is squishy as hell and you're a full AP Soraka that might not be the case, but generally the support is less useful in a fight than the other team members)
As any player in league of legends it's important to ward. Since the introduction of yellow trinkets it's slightly easier to remember to ward, but more than 2 thirds of players never buy a ward. Funnily enough more than 2 thirds of people are in Bronze/Silver too. Coincidence? I think not.
On your first back buy a pink ward and place it somewhere good, I find that in river bush or tribush often works well, unless you know that they frequently ward somewhere specific. Try to avoid placing it in lane bushes, unless you're mid. I don't advise placing pinks in enemy jungle until mid-late game because they will just be cleared and you probably won't get much more than you would from a green. You should always try to have a pink and 2-3 greens out at once, tbh it doesn't even really matter where just so long as they're out there providing jungle or lane vision for your team. Try to avoid placing pinks too deep, or in places you know the enemy is around a lot because they will just be destroyed. Putting pinks beyond the enemy buff line is a bad idea.
Just think in your head whenever you go back, "What do plats do?" - Buy wards when they b and glance at the map every time they're not engaging.
Going back to point one, when you're in lane you should try to keep your camera with river in sight all the time to watch for ganks (river should be warded). You shouldn't put camera beyond either towers, unless you're being ganked and are diving/being dived.
3. Know how to harass.
I remember when I was gold playing with my ranked team against a friend's ranked team in a custom game. They were high diamond, we were low plat. This was when I started to learn to play properly. I was the team adc, and I thought that my support and I were the best combo in the world. I was Kalista and I had Leona support, he was playing Vayne. Without a support. And we got absolutely destroyed. Before the game I thought to myself "Ok, he's diamond 1, I'd better farm really well this game because otherwise he'll rek us late game" - but I was wrong.
I tried to farm really hard, and even then he out farmed me. This was because I had to go back about once every 3 minutes. Every time he wasn't last hitting he was hitting me or my support, chunking down the damage while still getting almost every farm. Now with scripts there should be no excuse for not doing this, because theres a button that does it for you. On SAC:R it's C by default. Just hold it and walk near them. It will last hit, and when it's not not last hitting it will auto attack an enemy champ. Easy. This way you will be able to keep them low for an engage, but also let you farm up. It's not really complicated but it takes some practice to get it down properly. Don't just last hit and leave them alone, and don't just auto minions every time you can. It's pretty simple.
4. Gank shit
Sky Williams put it pretty well- "Gank shit, buy a ward, don't die" (will put source soon) and this is basically true. He was talking about jungle specifically here, but really it applies to all lanes. As top you should be looking at bot frequently to see if there is a potential teleport play you can do, as support look mid, as mid look top and bot, you get the idea. It all comes down to map awareness. If you're ahead and your teammates are behind, gank them and try and get a kill for them or yourself. Heck even if you're behind try and roam to get kills (don't roam and solo dive tower 1v3, you're not god m8). Just try and share the love, don't farm till 20 mins then all mid. Unless you're Nasus.
5. Play the meta
I don't care if you're best Galio jungle NA. I don't care if you went 90/5/10 in your last game as Riven support - these picks aren't meta because they suck. Just because they went well this one time doesn't make them strong. Just stick to the meta. For example in Silver the meta is to play stupid hyper carry champions like Yi and Cass. Meta stands for Most Effective Tactics Available. Most people don't know that, but it's called meta for a reason. Like right now Rammus, Brand, and Taric are very strong because of new mysteries. This makes them the meta right now.
It's always changing because of champion buffs/nerfs, so look at LCS, LPL, whatever you want to watch. But do NOT, DO NOT, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT watching high ELO soloq players to see what works. BoxBox played Riven adc and won? Good for him. He has stupid number of games on Riven, he's a god. That doesn't mean it's a good pick. It just means he's good at the champion and his enemies probably sucked. Don't mistake bad enemies for you being good.
6. Build properly
If your jungler bought an item with a unique aura, don't buy it too. Watch what your team and enemies build and shape your itemisation around it. I mean sure, it's ok to always rush IE or Essence Reaver on adcs, but look at guides on mobafire or solomid and itemise for your enemies and allies, don't just build he same each game.
7. "Fight your enemy where he is not"
This is a phrase from Sun Tsu's "The Art Of War" - a very old Chinese book that the general Sun Tsu wrote on how to, basically, win at war. What he ended up writing was a book on how to win at just about everything. It's not very long, it's about 80 pages and is well worth a read. I read it when I was about 14 and it's helped me a lot, it's just an awesome book. Anyway, this post has enough anecdotes already so let's just get to what it means.
Well, it's open to interpretation exactly what it means.
I'll let you decide for yourself. Just think about it.
So that's all I can think of for now but be sure to rep and check back if you want to see more guides. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to request one specifically and I'll see if I can get it done. It doesnt have to be league related.
Check some of my other topics and rep them too