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Draven Guide EASY CLIMBING | Diamond |


Cosplay Crafter
H Rep
H Vouches
LEVEL 1 500 XP
Spells - Flash+Heal
Runes -http://prntscr.com/es0zao
Masteries -http://prntscr.com/es0zo5
Start -http://prntscr.com/es0zuv%C2%A0
Early Sustain -http://prntscr.com/es101r
Rambo (Getting feed early) -http://prntscr.com/es1074
Heavy Carry -http://prntscr.com/es10e4
Super Sustain - http://prntscr.com/es10pc
Full Lethality - http://prntscr.com/es10t4
AbilitySequence - http://prntscr.com/es111o
Pros / Cons
1. You have very high Dmg - INFINITY
2. They won't be able to react fast enough - Youmuu's
3. You have really strong engages - E
4. Lots of sustain - Bloodthirster
5. You have way more gold than other ADC's
1. You need alot of gold to start the build properly
2. If you get camped early, it'll be hard to catch up
3. You're vulnerable to poke very early
I highly recommend Warlord's Bloodlust with biscuits. I know biscuit's seem weird to take on Draven but to do very good early game you need that clutch hp and mana incase you want first blood. In some circumstances you can take Fervor of Battle, but it isn't recommended because you'll lack attack speed, and you'll just have to use another guide.
For items you always want to get your BF Swordfirst back, and if you can a vamp scepterhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/vampiric-scepter-22too. If you can't afford BF swordright away, try to get a vamp scepter. Don't rush Bloodthirsterthough. The vamp scepteris for reassurance which you will need. Rush Infinite Edgehttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/infinity-edge-46which will put you ahead by alot because they won't be that tanky yet. After IEhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/infinity-edge-46, get boots Berserker's Greavers then BThttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/the-bloodthirster-60. Follow by a Phantom Dancerhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/phantom-dancer-52. Your next item can either be a Youmuu's Ghostblade .if you're doing really good to shred HP or you can get Mercurial Scimitarif your team lacks peel and you need more Sustain.
Skill Sequence
You want to always max your Qfirst because that's where all of your damage comes from. Don't skip around because you willDEEPLYregret it. Make sure you upgrade your ultat the 3 levels that you can, which are 6, 11, and 16. Once you finish maxing out your Q, you then want to max your Wso you can pursue and destroy. Once you max out your W, you can then max out your E.
As for your spells, the spells you want to take are Flashhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/summoner-spell/flash-14and Healhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/summoner-spell/heal-3. Those are kind of a given for most ADCs. If you want a super kill lane for alot of kills, you can take Flash and Ignite but I won't recommend it because Heal is very important to survive in the early game.
Creeping / Jungling
Blue buff is VERY important for you, especially because with this build you can go in hard and fast, but Mana is a problem. Control your mana and if you're on the Red team, make sure you take advantage of that. If you fall behind and need a boost to catch up gold wise, golems are the best.
Ranked Play
When playing Dravenhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/champion/draven-99in ranked, you mostly want to ban Caitlyn. She's a very hard counter to Draven, but if you're not too worried about ADCs you can ban one of the really high threat supports as you can see above. Also avoid getting ganked alot because it will set you back alot and it won't be easy to catch up.
Team Work
Healing Supports: Soraka-Sona
You have a really strong early game, because you won't need your Bloodthirster right away. Make trades for pokes, but don't take too much depending on the heaaler. Protect your healer, because they will portect you.
Buff Supports:Lulu-Namihttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/champion/nami-108
You're poke will be way stronger which will definitely help you get that early start of the build that you will need. Their usefulness will run out, but once you get your first 3 items you're good
Tank/CC Supports:Leona-Alistar http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-l...fire.com/league-of-legends/champion/alistar-4
They will help you all the way with this build. Make sure you know what and what you can't do because if you overstep your boundaries you can mess up. Make sure you wait for them to engage and keep up for the most optimal plays
Damage Supports:Brand-Lux
With Damage supports they can usually do the poking for you, allowing you to Farm a bit more freely which can allow you to get that big start gold that you need to begin the build. Pay attention to your support, because if they poke enough they can either open opportunities for free kills or get caught. Make sure you keep an eye on them. These supports tend to be "loose cannons"
Unique Skills
(Q) Spinning Axe:
1. Draven's Spinning axes scale on your max AD, so it's important to get alot of damage early
2. When you attack with Draven you can move your mouse to a location and click there. You're axe will fall somewhere onto that direction.
3. Unless it's a Yasuo wind wall, Champions with shields such as Morgana and Braum won't block and erase your spinning axes.
(W) Blood Rush:
1. You're Blood Rush will reset every time you pick up an Axe
2. Try to use your blood rush right after you Attack so you can rush towards and pick up your axe to refresh again
(E) Stand Aside!:
1. Try not to waste your E because it is VERY important
2. You're E pushes them in the direction from the edge that you used it
3. You're E is a strong engager if you can't catch up to the enemy
1. You're ult will Reverse after it hits the first champion, so be precise
2. The damage will reduce after hitting a unit such as a minion, so look for a clear path
3. Try to aim for the path they will be at, instead of directly at them so it will be harder for them to dodge
Early game you need to be put of alot pressure in lane. Keep brushes warded and constantly keep check of your mana. Don't drop axesor you will regret it. Every wave, try to land a few strong pokes.
Thank You.



