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First, my credentials: I am currently ranked 1575, and at my highest got to 1780 Rank. I have been a Gold ranked player for two years, and have been playing since beta. I consider myself to be better than the average player, and this is supported by the fact that both my main and smurf account have been Gold for years.
The Secret
One of the interesting things about having Gold rank is that you get a lot of people friending you and asking you to duo with them. I can only imagine how intense this sort of nuthugging adulation is for the Platinum players! They ask me how to get into Gold rank like there is a secret passphrase or maybe a button combo. Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right Select Start, Contra style baby! This is my reply to them, and, I think, the silver bullet of gaining rank: Admit that you are where you are supposed to be, that the system works.
Literally 99% of the lower-ranked people who have asked me how to gain rank preface the request with the usual story of how a confluence of circumstances has resulted in them being lower ranked than they ought to be. Every 1100 Rank player thinks that he is actually a 1500 Rank player who is being kept down by noobs, bad luck, and a broken matchmaking system that creates an inescapable black hole of losses known as ELO Hell. These are not the facts.
The fact is that the system works. I know because I actually tested it. I dropped my rank down to 950 intentionally just to see how BAD ELO Hell really is and if, like most people who are in it assert, escape is impossible. It took me one month to go from 950 to 1400, and that was with hard rank (+-10-14 points per win/loss). I had very little difficulty in ELO Hell, as would be expected if the system works. I even played a lot of Support, just to see if Support players were unfairly punished in this Hell. Defensive Supports are, no doubt, but Blitzcrank and Leona are OP. Jungle is totally broken in ELO Hell, and I had some fantastic games with Fiddlesticks. Hint: People don't ward in ELO Hell. Use Fiddlesticks.
Now I don't want to get bogged down in individual starts that are viable in these ranks. There are plenty of great guides already that give individual player tips on getting out. The tip I have is a little more Zen.
Step 1: Admit that there is no conspiracy of noobs holding you down. Riot has not created a system designed to hold back your potential, and your current rank is an accurate reflection of your current skill.
This is by far the hardest step. Most people simply cannot do it. I have talked with so many frustrated players and watched them self-destruct in games after making a mistake and go on rants projecting their failures onto their teammates and what stands out more than anything to me is that by doing so you are eliminating any chance you have of actually learning from your mistakes.
Think about it. In order to learn from your mistakes, you must first acknowledge that you made one. Here is an example:
You are top lane and you get ganked by middle. The gank is successful and, as is the case with top lane, you are now behind and are going to have a tough time for the rest of the lane unless you get lucky or a good gank from your team. Naturally you are frustrated, and the first thing you think to do is yell at your middle player for not calling MIA. He doesn't want to admit his fault so he yells at you to watch the minimap, after all you had a ward in river and that is how the gank came up. You yell back and forth at each other and poison the team and will probably lose the game.
During my journey into ELO Hell I saw this scene over and over, and it struck me that not only are these two players almost guaranteeing victory for the other team by squabbling, but neither player is actually LEARNING anything.
Fact: Lower Ranked players make more mistakes than higher Ranked ones.
The key to getting out of ELO Hell is to make less mistakes, but the only way you do that is by actually admitting that you made them. You will never do this if you are too busy ranting and railing about the mistakes of others and projecting your defects of gameplay onto the rest of the team. This is all supported by the delusional mindset of you being wronged by the system.
The system works. You are at the Rank that reflects your current skill set. This is not a depressing reality; this is the start of actually becoming a good player.
Amazing things begin to happen when you stop blaming others and the system. Amazing things like getting ganked top and admitting OK, there was no MIA but man I had that **** warded but I never check it! What is the point in warding if you don't actually USE the ward? You have this moment of revelation and you say to yourself:
"That was my fault. From now on I am going to make the conscious effort to check my minimap every few seconds for an incoming gank from river."
You try to do this from now on, and obviously you still fail every once and awhile and get caught, but overall you notice that you are not getting ganked nearly as much. You notice that you are starting to win a little more. You wonder what else can I learn?
You are middle and against a pretty decent opponent who is being pretty aggressive. All of a sudden he starts acting very passively and isn't harassing anymore. You naturally get confident and start pushing back, and then WHAM you are ganked by Lee Sin and murdered as they execute a beautifully timed combo of flashes and ults. You instinctively look for someone to blame, aha, YOUR JUNGLER! Why isn't HE ganking middle too?
But then...
You remember learning from top, and you think "did I actually make a mistake here? What can I learn?"
Lee came from the north river bush, the same bush that your middle opponent had been moving towards while suddenly and inexplicably behaving passive. You noticed this...why didn't you play a little more cautiously? You hadn't seen Lee Sin all game either, and Lee is a gank machine. You were expecting him to show up at some point, but hadn't bought any wards because mids don't usually ward at this level of play. It hits you: you made a mistake.
The fault wasn't your jungler's; it was yours! You got baited and caught. There is no one else to blame here, and that is actually a GOOD THING because now you get to learn something! Opponents that suddenly and for no reason change their lane behaviour probably have a reason for it. Mid lane should buy wards.
You vow to remember this, and to buy wards and to watch for inconsistencies in your opponents' behaviour and to react with appropriate caution. You start to win more...
This is how you move up in Rank. You stop focusing on your teammates' gameplay and start focusing on your own. You stop blaming your team and start asking "what could I have done better?"
It is your job to become a better player by identifying your weaknesses and turning them into strengths. This is only possible when you stop creating elaborate conspiratorial fantasies of system corruption and bad karma and just start learning the way we all learn:
by making mistakes, and then not making them as much.
Hope this helps, thanks for reading. See you soon
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