Los angelos
Earnings Stream Designer
400 XP
Have you ever been in a dilemma? I’m my girlfriend broke up with me and I met someone else that month I never expected things to take off like they did
The new girl is more my type and things really took off
I still talk to my x girl friend and she claims she just waiting on me, me and my x girlfriend have history
She is wild , parties , lies and has bounced from guy to guy she is 120lb blue eyes blonde hair
New girl is total opposite I know the new girl is the obvious choice but my x claims she changed
The new girl is more my type and things really took off
I still talk to my x girl friend and she claims she just waiting on me, me and my x girlfriend have history
She is wild , parties , lies and has bounced from guy to guy she is 120lb blue eyes blonde hair
New girl is total opposite I know the new girl is the obvious choice but my x claims she changed