Long-Tail Strategist
400 XP
am sure that you are here because of your desire to hit the jackpot. A CS:GO themed web site.
You’re in the right place.
I am selling fixed and improved web site based on csgofast.
A lot of glitches and bugs has been fixed.
More than 4 coders has been working on the script, also all private bugs, which has not been revealed to public, has been fixed.
As a site admin I have an access to all private bugs and glitches and all of them has been fixed on my site.
Site demo:
After payment, you will receive a copy of
All you need is to develop the design and pay for advertisement.
After that, you start to earn the money.
List of fixes:
Fixed issues causing the site being down.
Global link substitution fix.
Of course, the trade substitution glitch has been fixed.
Fix for win via console (4 fixes regarding this issue).
Fix for bot crash via request.
Fix for page substitution and redirection.
Fix for 0% bet.
Fix for non-existent items bet.
Fix for wrong price.
Fixed the bug, which made all visitors of the site to download malware via chat.
Fixed the glitch, which allowed to upvote the winner using cheats.
Improvement for early winner voting function.
Completely functioning roulette with sound.
Added HASH for every game.
Added “Fair Play†to check if you are in fair play mode.
Added tickets!
The game starts after 2 people has connected, not after placing 2 bets.
Added avatar in game history.
Notifications added:
If there is no link for trade in settings.
The bet is lower than minimal deposit.
There are more items than allowed maximum.
You will be notified, if your bet is processing.
Improved bot command function while using chat.
Just have to type the commands and bot will follow them.
For actions like handing over the equipment, single item etc.
The bot script has been majorly revised and improved.
Trade accepting and publication on site will take only 7 seconds!
The bot has been optimized for quickest work.
Databases config.
The bot gives prize in 1 second!
Lots of more.
It is the best bot available on the market for present moment.
We are constantly working on updates.
After the payment you receive an access to the group where you can track an updates which are posted there almost every day.