Resource Monitor
100 XP
Run the exe while at the CSGO main menu. Works full screen or windowed.
On success the hack will be injected. If you don't see an error message or crash, it worked.
On failure an error message will be shown. See below.
Errors Error 0 - Couldn't find game window.
Error 1 - Couldn't get process ID.
Error 2 - Couldn't open game process.
Error 3 - Couldn't allocate remote memory.
Error 4 - Couldn't write to the process.
Error 5 - Couldn't create remote thread.
Make sure CSGO is running and don't run from Sandboxie.
Try running with admin rights or adding an exception to your Antivirus.
All hotkeys work in-game only. Hack is inactive at menu.
F1 - Toggle Triggerbot. (Shift-F1 to disable). Hold ALT to temporarily activate triggerbot.
PgUp/PgDown - Changes triggerbot delay. Holding shift changes it faster. Default is 15ms.
F2 - Toggles slow aim.
F6 - Cycle Glow: Enemy Only, Enemy and Friendly, Visible, Spotted, None. *Updated*
F7 - Cycle Recoil Control: Low, High, Off. (Shift-F7 to disable).
F8 - Toggles Aim-Dot. (Shift-F8 to adjust size).
F9 - Toggles Barrel-ESP.
F11 - Toggle bunny hop. Hold jump to use.
Shift-F11 - Toggle Auto-pistol.
HOME - Toggle name, weapon, health ESP.
DEL - Unload hack.
Download https://www69.zippyshare.com/v/bm7Aw831/file.html
+REP If it worked
- Vulnerability ESP. Highlights players when flashed, reloading, or holding grenades. http://gfycat.com/LegalEvilCoqui, http://gfycat.com/HugeSpottedKingbird, http://gfycat.com/HomelyBlackandwhiteAbalone.
- Auto-pisto. Fires pistol if you hold attack. .
- Name, weapon, health ESP. , http://gfycat.com/YearlySpiritedFugu, http://gfycat.com/WeirdClumsyGartersnake.
- Bunny hop.
- Bomb timer. http://gfycat.com/ImpartialMinorKiwi, http://gfycat.com/MadSinfulGourami, .
- Slow aim. Lowers sensitivity while crosshairs are over an enemy.http://i.imgur.com/rKE4eRb.gifv.
- Triggerbot. http://www.gfycat.com/SatisfiedPortlyAmericanbittern, http://www.gfycat.com/EverlastingArtisticBlacknorwegianelkhound, http://www.gfycat.com/HeavenlyTotalKingfisher.
- Recoil. http://gfycat.com/MessyFoolishAndeancondor, .
- Aim-dot. http://gfycat.com/InformalUnselfishDairycow.
- Barrel-ESP. More .
- Glow with visible players extra-highlighted. More .
Run the exe while at the CSGO main menu. Works full screen or windowed.
On success the hack will be injected. If you don't see an error message or crash, it worked.
On failure an error message will be shown. See below.
Errors Error 0 - Couldn't find game window.
Error 1 - Couldn't get process ID.
Error 2 - Couldn't open game process.
Error 3 - Couldn't allocate remote memory.
Error 4 - Couldn't write to the process.
Error 5 - Couldn't create remote thread.
Make sure CSGO is running and don't run from Sandboxie.
Try running with admin rights or adding an exception to your Antivirus.
All hotkeys work in-game only. Hack is inactive at menu.
F1 - Toggle Triggerbot. (Shift-F1 to disable). Hold ALT to temporarily activate triggerbot.
PgUp/PgDown - Changes triggerbot delay. Holding shift changes it faster. Default is 15ms.
F2 - Toggles slow aim.
F6 - Cycle Glow: Enemy Only, Enemy and Friendly, Visible, Spotted, None. *Updated*
F7 - Cycle Recoil Control: Low, High, Off. (Shift-F7 to disable).
F8 - Toggles Aim-Dot. (Shift-F8 to adjust size).
F9 - Toggles Barrel-ESP.
F11 - Toggle bunny hop. Hold jump to use.
Shift-F11 - Toggle Auto-pistol.
HOME - Toggle name, weapon, health ESP.
DEL - Unload hack.
Download https://www69.zippyshare.com/v/bm7Aw831/file.html
+REP If it worked