Secure Code Engineer
400 XP
TigerSnail Hack: Source
Developed by sk0r / Czybik
Version: 0.5
This project is a process-internal hack for the Source Engine and specifically for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
It is only tested with CS:GO and all engine/client definitions have been reversed in the context of it. This hack is
a hackbase which you can use to build upon it. It covers important features. All disassemblies and the sourcecode are
commented and explained.
There is no anti VAC functionallity included. Do not just make a valid build and use when VAC is enabled without any valid anti VAC measure.
GitHub Repo:
sk0r / Czybik
Developed by sk0r / Czybik
Version: 0.5
This project is a process-internal hack for the Source Engine and specifically for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
It is only tested with CS:GO and all engine/client definitions have been reversed in the context of it. This hack is
a hackbase which you can use to build upon it. It covers important features. All disassemblies and the sourcecode are
commented and explained.
- Up-to-date classes/structs (complete or partially):
- player_info_t
- IVEngineClient
- CClientEntityList
- C_BaseEntity
- IAppSystem
- IStudioRender
- IVDebugOverlay
- ISurface
- IGameEventManager2
- IGameEventListener2
- IGameEvent
- IInputSystem
- IInput
- IEngineTrace
- Access to:
- appSystemFactory function
- Client exports
- IVEngineClient instance
- CClientEntityList instance
- IVDebugOverlay instance
- IStudioRender instance
- CHLClient instance
- IPanel instance
- ISurface instance
- ICVar instance
- IGameEventManager2 instance
- Games' IDirect3DDevice9 context
- Clients' IInput class instance
- IEngineTrace instance
- Hooks:
- CHLClient method(s)
- IPanel method(s)
- IStudioRender method(s)
- IVEngineClient method(s)
- IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene
- CzyConfigMgr v0.3
- Window menu system
- Base class
- Form
- Label
- Button
- Checkbox
- Textbox
- Groupbox
- Listbox
- Imagebox
- Contextmenu
- ProgressBar
- Input manager
- VFT hook manager
- D3D renderer
- Player manager
- Game event handler
- Log system
- Delayed command manager
- Engine drawing wrapper
- Memory functions
- Utilities
- Enhancements
- Name ESP
- SteamID ESP
- Distance ESP
- Health ESP
- Decoy ESP
- Bomb ESP
- Playermodel color
- Infobox
- Snake game
- Fix include paths to Source SDK
- Fix include paths to DirectX SDK
- Make a valid build
- Inject into csgo.exe
- Version 0.1
- < Initial release >
- Version 0.2
- Extended _C_BaseEntity class definition
- Added _IGameEventManager2 and _IGameEventListener2 class definition
- Added access to IGameEventManager2 instance
- Added game event manager
- Added player manager
- Added distance ESP
- Added further ESP control CVars
- Fixed a bug of the VFT hook manager
- Version 0.3
- CHLClient has been updated (now 017)
- Unified non-unified header comments (on some mail-info was missing)
- Version 0.4
- Extended _C_BaseEntity class definition
- Redesigned the graphical look of the GUI form
- Added _IGameEvent class definition
- Completed manager for game events
- Added Decoy ESP
- Added Infobox
- Added Snake game
- Added bomb ESP
- Added health ESP
- Changed ESP color handling
- Version 0.5
- Added Contextmenu GUI component
- Added ProgressBar GUI component
- Improved GUI component implementations
- Added IInputSystem class definition
- Added playermodel color enhancement
- Added IInput class definition
- Added explained IInput::FindKey() disassembly
- Added access to client IInput instance
- Added CHLClient::IN_IsKeyDown() hook
- Added CHLClient::CreateMove() hook
- Added explained CInput::CreateMove() disassembly
- Added access to IEngineTrace instance
- Added IEngineTrace class definition
There is no anti VAC functionallity included. Do not just make a valid build and use when VAC is enabled without any valid anti VAC measure.
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sk0r / Czybik