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CSGO: A bit smarter: Multihack v1.2


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Hey guys, here is a new CSGO hack which i will be updating as frequently as possible.
This is not my hack, i am just sharing it with you.
To see the hack and full tutorial just leave a reply. (no leecher please)
A bit smarter: Multihack v1.6
Functions of the hack.
GlowESP : The ordinary GlowESP that everyone knows BUT configurable . You'll be able to change its colors however you want .
RandomESP : This one is a bit special and i don't see any real use but it just looks funny . With this one the enemyesp color will change permanently .
HPBasedESP : With this feature you can see your enemy's health based on colors . Their esp color will go red when their life is low .
Radar : You can see the enemies on the radar but only if they are close to you .
BunnyHop : Jump around just by holding space .
NoFlash : Flash is history .
TriggerBot : A simple team-based triggerbot with adjustable Delay .
DelayTriggerBot : This uses a randomdelay , which means it will shoot enemies after a different delay everytime making it look MORE LEGIT .
NoRecoil(RCS) : No more spray control , you just need to press the click .
SlowAim : Stops or Slows the sensitivity when your crosshair is on a enemy .
CustomESP : Make your own COLOR ESP using ColorPicker(still in beta , buggy) .
Known Bugs.
1) The Radar is still a bit buggy.
Enemy Color : Choose the enemy esp color ( works only with GlowESP)
Ally Color : Choose the ally esp color ( works only with GlowESP)
ESP Speed : RandomESP Speed (CrashMyPc actually may crash your PC)
Burst Fire : Disable / Enable Burst-Fire ( for both triggerbots)
Bullets : How many bullets will shoow at once (only if BurstFire is enabled)
BurstDelay : The Delay between BurstFires
TriggerDelay : Choose how many MS to wait before shoot(only for normal triggerbot)
Sounds : Enable / Disable Beep Sounds .
SlowAim Speed: Choose the speed of the slowaim .
Recoil : Choose how accurate the RCS will be .
Planning updates :
1)Work at design .
2)Fixing the actual features .
3)Adding a form of aimbot .
4)Adding a save config .
How to record a new hotkey ?
Step 1 ) Open CSGO
Step 2 ) Open the hack
Step 3 ) In the bottom-left panel , press the button coresponding to your desired feature .
Step 4 ) Press a key (2 times )
Adds to this update :
1)Fixes all over the features .
2)Changed the design again ( please don't kill me for how ugly it is now )
3)A bunch of new settings .
4)A button which will link you to this thread to see if the hack is undetected or not .
5)You don't need to choose the hotkeys anymore . Now you just press a button followed by a key .
6)New Signature .
7)SlowAim .
8)Many new settings .
This Step/Process is not required, but you will benefit from it if you choose to do it.
In order to be safer than the users that just download hacks and open them recklessly and play, it'd be more safer for not only you but for the hack to be detected too, and in order to do this all you need to do is download a program called Enigma.
In Google, type in "Enigma Protector" and in the first response you get, press Download under the main title like so.
When on this page, make sure to download the 32bit.
When Enigma Protector is fully downloaded and installed on your computer, feel free to run it. When opened, you should get a screen giving you all this information and options to choose find the Input section and press the first Browse button (the top one) and locate where the hack .exe.
Now, press the Protect button at the bottom right and just wait for the .exe to get protected and the outcome file will be placed on your desktop.
Images and GIF
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