Mecha Anime Specialist
400 XP
Controls and Instructions: CTRL+NUMPAD0 to reload hack.
CTRL+NUMPAD1 to toggle subtle-aimbot
CTRL+NUMPAD2 to toggle triggerbot
CTRL+NUMPAD3 to print current settings
CRTL+F8 to close By default, hold LMB(left mouse) to use aim-assist, and hold MB5(mouse button 5) for triggerbot.
1.) download the file 2.) I recommend doing something to change the .dll in some way. Extreme Injector v3.5 has some very nice scrambling options 3.) create "settings.txt" at "C:\ZipZopZoobityBop\" and paste this (NOTE: These may became outdated soon; Update them as needed.): Code:
m_dwEntityList=0x04A21514 m_dwLocalPlayer=0x00A7F12C m_dwClientState=0x5D0224 m_iCrossHairID=0x2410 m_dwViewAngles=0x4CE0 m_vecViewOffse=0x104 m_vecOrigin=0x134 m_vecPunch=0x13E8 m_iTeamNum=0xF0 m_iShotsFired=0x1D6C m_dwBoneMatrix=0xA78 m_iHealth=0xFC m_lifeState=0x25B m_vecVelocity=0x110 smooth amount=8 minpitch rcs=1.8 maxppitch rcs=2.1 minyaw rcs=1.8 maxyaw rcs=2.05 bone to target=4 shots to ignore=1 vkey code for aimbot=1 first shot delay for triggerbot=20 follow up shot delay for triggerbot=22 Vkey code for triggerbot=6 then save. Of course, edit the settings to your liking. THIS USES LINE COUNT TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN WHICH VALUE IS FOR WHICH SETTING. DO NOT REARRANGE THE LINES. IF IT CANT FIND THE SETTINGS FILE, CHECK TO MAKE SURE THE NAME DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FILE EXTENSION (.txt). 4) Close Steam. 5)Open Extreme Injector 6) set Manual Map Injection Method And Scrambling Options to Extreme.
7) Start in Secure Mode. 8.) Inject the hack into a 32-bit program(the .dll is 32-bit, some injectors might allow 32-bit to 64-bit injections but the one I use doesn't.) i'm using SKYPE for this. 9.) start the game 10.) have fun 11.) use CRTL+F8 to close when finished. DO NOT CLOSE THE CONSOLE WINDOW. DO NOT CLOSE THE APPLICATION YOU INJECTED INTO UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE QUIT THE HACK WITH CRTL+F8. All credit goes to Puddin Poppins. Download link:
Controls and Instructions: CTRL+NUMPAD0 to reload hack.
CTRL+NUMPAD1 to toggle subtle-aimbot
CTRL+NUMPAD2 to toggle triggerbot
CTRL+NUMPAD3 to print current settings
CRTL+F8 to close By default, hold LMB(left mouse) to use aim-assist, and hold MB5(mouse button 5) for triggerbot.
m_dwEntityList=0x04A21514 m_dwLocalPlayer=0x00A7F12C m_dwClientState=0x5D0224 m_iCrossHairID=0x2410 m_dwViewAngles=0x4CE0 m_vecViewOffse=0x104 m_vecOrigin=0x134 m_vecPunch=0x13E8 m_iTeamNum=0xF0 m_iShotsFired=0x1D6C m_dwBoneMatrix=0xA78 m_iHealth=0xFC m_lifeState=0x25B m_vecVelocity=0x110 smooth amount=8 minpitch rcs=1.8 maxppitch rcs=2.1 minyaw rcs=1.8 maxyaw rcs=2.05 bone to target=4 shots to ignore=1 vkey code for aimbot=1 first shot delay for triggerbot=20 follow up shot delay for triggerbot=22 Vkey code for triggerbot=6 then save. Of course, edit the settings to your liking. THIS USES LINE COUNT TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN WHICH VALUE IS FOR WHICH SETTING. DO NOT REARRANGE THE LINES. IF IT CANT FIND THE SETTINGS FILE, CHECK TO MAKE SURE THE NAME DOES NOT INCLUDE THE FILE EXTENSION (.txt). 4) Close Steam. 5)Open Extreme Injector 6) set Manual Map Injection Method And Scrambling Options to Extreme.
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