Pay-Per-View Specialist
900 XP
To install a Duino-Coin miner in Termux, follow these steps:
1. Install Termux. If you don't have Termux installed on your Android device, you can get it from the Google Play Store or F-Droid
2. Update Termux. In Termux. run the following command: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
3. Install Python in Termux. Run the following command: apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev git
4. Clone Duino-Coin Github repository. Run the following command: git clone
5. Go to the repository directory. Run the following command: cd duino-coin
6. Install the requested modules. Run the following command: pip3 install requests
7. Create a Duino-Coin account. Go to www.duinocoin.com and create a account\
8. Configure and run the miner. Run the miner with the command: python3 PC_Miner.py
9. Enter your info. Enter your username, mining intensity and threads. Mining intenisty has to be 95% for good performance and the amount of threads should be the amount of threads your smartphone has
10. Stop the miner. Stop the miner by pressing Control+C.
11. Start the miner. Start the miner by the following command: python3 PC_Miner.py
Please leave a like if you loved it and happy mining!
1. Install Termux. If you don't have Termux installed on your Android device, you can get it from the Google Play Store or F-Droid
2. Update Termux. In Termux. run the following command: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
3. Install Python in Termux. Run the following command: apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev git
4. Clone Duino-Coin Github repository. Run the following command: git clone
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
5. Go to the repository directory. Run the following command: cd duino-coin
6. Install the requested modules. Run the following command: pip3 install requests
7. Create a Duino-Coin account. Go to www.duinocoin.com and create a account\
8. Configure and run the miner. Run the miner with the command: python3 PC_Miner.py
9. Enter your info. Enter your username, mining intensity and threads. Mining intenisty has to be 95% for good performance and the amount of threads should be the amount of threads your smartphone has
10. Stop the miner. Stop the miner by pressing Control+C.
11. Start the miner. Start the miner by the following command: python3 PC_Miner.py
Please leave a like if you loved it and happy mining!