Dependency Graph Analyst
900 XP
Step 1 – THE New Document and Base
Start by creating a new document in Photoshop, I used 1000x1000px with a transparent Background. fill this background with a grey tone colour, #e8e8e8. go to Edit – Fill – Color and select the colour you want. rename this layer Background.
Using the Ellipse Tool (U), create a perfect circle (hold the shift key while creating the shape) in the centre of the canvas.
Apply an Inner Glow Layer Style to this circle shape with those parameters, Layer – Layer Styles – Inner Glow.
Create an other circle on top of the previous shape, this time a little smaller, then apply Inner Shadow, Inner Glow and Color Overlay Layer Styles to it with those parameters.
Step 2 – Stick Part 1
Create an other circle, again small than the first ones. Add Inner Glow, Gradient Overlay, Outer Glow and Drop Shadow Layer Styles to this circle with those parameters.
Step 3 – Stick Part 2
To finish the stick part, create a new circle shape, just a little small than the one in Step 3 and apply Inner Glow and Gradient Overlay Layer Styles to it.
Step 4 – Small Grips
Like on the Xbox 360 controller analog sticks, let’s create some grips. create a small circle shape on the top part of the stick. Then apply Inner Glow, Gradient Overlay and Drop Shadow Layer Styles to it. duplicate this shapes 3 times and place the new shapes on the bottom and both sides of the stick.
I hope you enjoyed this Tutorial using a lot of layers styles, the’re a powerfull tool in Photoshop, just play with them, you can have some nice results.
Edited by Kiwoox, 25 July 2017 - 01:59 AM.
Start by creating a new document in Photoshop, I used 1000x1000px with a transparent Background. fill this background with a grey tone colour, #e8e8e8. go to Edit – Fill – Color and select the colour you want. rename this layer Background.
Using the Ellipse Tool (U), create a perfect circle (hold the shift key while creating the shape) in the centre of the canvas.
Apply an Inner Glow Layer Style to this circle shape with those parameters, Layer – Layer Styles – Inner Glow.
Create an other circle on top of the previous shape, this time a little smaller, then apply Inner Shadow, Inner Glow and Color Overlay Layer Styles to it with those parameters.
Step 2 – Stick Part 1
Create an other circle, again small than the first ones. Add Inner Glow, Gradient Overlay, Outer Glow and Drop Shadow Layer Styles to this circle with those parameters.
Step 3 – Stick Part 2
To finish the stick part, create a new circle shape, just a little small than the one in Step 3 and apply Inner Glow and Gradient Overlay Layer Styles to it.
Step 4 – Small Grips
Like on the Xbox 360 controller analog sticks, let’s create some grips. create a small circle shape on the top part of the stick. Then apply Inner Glow, Gradient Overlay and Drop Shadow Layer Styles to it. duplicate this shapes 3 times and place the new shapes on the bottom and both sides of the stick.
I hope you enjoyed this Tutorial using a lot of layers styles, the’re a powerfull tool in Photoshop, just play with them, you can have some nice results.
Edited by Kiwoox, 25 July 2017 - 01:59 AM.