XP Grinder
900 XP
This tutorial is for absolute beginners if you already know how to get Combos and crack this is not for you.
Table of contents
1 . Dorks
1.1 Getting SQLi dorks is easy use google something like this "sqli dorks" get around 1,000
1.2 Keyword are used to make the dorks unique adding some variation. The best way to obtain them is to use you can search for anything shopping,customer,client. etcetera.
1.3 Finally you want to combine or merge the Dorks and Keywords. The website i use is using the The first "input1" is where you place the Keywords and place the Dorks into the "input2". Add a Delimiter of " " a blank space. Your output should look like "keyword Dork.php?id=" Save it to a .txt file we will come back to it when we need it.
Video Tutorial:
Scrapping for URLs
2.1 Open the scrapper and click source load the .txt file you made in 1.3. Load proxies then click google next to the many tab change the settings to your liking.
Change the proxy type to http. Very important to check the box that says "AntiPublic". Click start and scrape 1,000+ urls.
Video Tutorial:
SQLi Dumper
3.1 When you open SQLi dumper go to the "URL's Queue" tab and import urls you got from "Dork Searcher EZ".
3.2 Now you should have the urls imported click into the "Exploitables" tab then click "Start Exploiter".
3.3 Go to the "Injectable" tab then click "Start Anallizer" this will take some time based on the amount of Exploitables you have.
3.4 Finally you should see some URLs right click and select all then at the bottom it says "Search Columns\Tables Names" click start if you have all the urls highlighted. You should see a popup with information. What your aiming for is matching a password row with a email row. For example [2010]Database.Column. This is hard to explain so please look at the video or pictures.
When you find matching rows highlight the row and at the top it says "Go to dumper" click and open a new instance. Look for the column you found and click "Get Columns" Search for Email, User, Pass it's important you move the email and user above the password table or when you export or will not be in the correct cells. Finally you can change the threads to the amount of your liking check the tables you want to dump and click dump data.
Video Tutorial:
Sentry MBA
5.1 Start by opening Sentry and going to Setting > General click "Load settings from Snap Shot" navigate to Snapshot folder and open a Config/SnapShot .ini file.
5.2 Go to List > Proxy List and click the folder button next to Statistics then load your proxy file.
5.3 Navigate to Lists > Wordlist and click the folder in the Wordlist Box and load your combo file.
5.4 Click the Progression Tab and where it says Bots use the slider and pick the amount of bots you will need.
Notes: Some configs do not need proxies. Some configs have a bot limit.
Video Tutorial:
Sentry MBA
Sentry is a free cracker that uses configs. Configs can be bought or you can get free ones from Nulled config section this does require X amount of posts.
Sentry download link:
Snipr is a paid cracker developed by Pragmatic. It has many good configs and he is always updating it.
Cost $35 BTC,ETH,LTC or $40 Paypal
Buy it from here:
Account Reaper
Account Raper is a paid cracker developed Adamdev*. Account reaper has many good configs and has some extra tools including combo manipulation, Proxy checker and scrapper.
Cost $10* Paypal,BTC,Paysafe and Skrill
Buy it from here:
Unknown Crackers
There is some other account crackers out there you can find them in the cracking tools section i will not name any because they are rarely supported and die out.
All the tools i used can be found on Nulled. Im not going to link or posting because i never got mine from here and i don't know if they are safe. So when starting out use VMWare until you know it's safe not to
Feel free to PM me or PM on Discord if you need support. I'm always happy to help.
Discord: @
Edited by meowtit, 10 August 2017 - 11:49 PM.
Table of contents
1 . Dorks
- 1.1 Getting SQLi dorks
- 1.2 Keywords
- 1.3 Making your own Dorks
- 2.1 Dork Searcher EZ
- 3.1 Importing URLs
- 3.2 Exploitables
- 3.3 Injectables
- 3.4 Dumping Combos
- Sentry MBA
- Snipr
- Account Reaper
- Unknown Crackers
- 5.1 Opening Config/SnapShop
- 5.2 Loading Proxies
- 5.3 Loading Worldlist/Combos
- 5.4 Setting Bots
1.1 Getting SQLi dorks is easy use google something like this "sqli dorks" get around 1,000
1.2 Keyword are used to make the dorks unique adding some variation. The best way to obtain them is to use you can search for anything shopping,customer,client. etcetera.
1.3 Finally you want to combine or merge the Dorks and Keywords. The website i use is using the The first "input1" is where you place the Keywords and place the Dorks into the "input2". Add a Delimiter of " " a blank space. Your output should look like "keyword Dork.php?id=" Save it to a .txt file we will come back to it when we need it.
Video Tutorial:
2.1 Open the scrapper and click source load the .txt file you made in 1.3. Load proxies then click google next to the many tab change the settings to your liking.
Change the proxy type to http. Very important to check the box that says "AntiPublic". Click start and scrape 1,000+ urls.
Video Tutorial:
3.1 When you open SQLi dumper go to the "URL's Queue" tab and import urls you got from "Dork Searcher EZ".
3.2 Now you should have the urls imported click into the "Exploitables" tab then click "Start Exploiter".
3.3 Go to the "Injectable" tab then click "Start Anallizer" this will take some time based on the amount of Exploitables you have.
3.4 Finally you should see some URLs right click and select all then at the bottom it says "Search Columns\Tables Names" click start if you have all the urls highlighted. You should see a popup with information. What your aiming for is matching a password row with a email row. For example [2010]Database.Column. This is hard to explain so please look at the video or pictures.
When you find matching rows highlight the row and at the top it says "Go to dumper" click and open a new instance. Look for the column you found and click "Get Columns" Search for Email, User, Pass it's important you move the email and user above the password table or when you export or will not be in the correct cells. Finally you can change the threads to the amount of your liking check the tables you want to dump and click dump data.
Video Tutorial:
5.1 Start by opening Sentry and going to Setting > General click "Load settings from Snap Shot" navigate to Snapshot folder and open a Config/SnapShot .ini file.
5.2 Go to List > Proxy List and click the folder button next to Statistics then load your proxy file.
5.3 Navigate to Lists > Wordlist and click the folder in the Wordlist Box and load your combo file.
5.4 Click the Progression Tab and where it says Bots use the slider and pick the amount of bots you will need.
Notes: Some configs do not need proxies. Some configs have a bot limit.
Video Tutorial:
Sentry is a free cracker that uses configs. Configs can be bought or you can get free ones from Nulled config section this does require X amount of posts.
Sentry download link:
Snipr is a paid cracker developed by Pragmatic. It has many good configs and he is always updating it.
Cost $35 BTC,ETH,LTC or $40 Paypal
Buy it from here:
Account Reaper
Account Raper is a paid cracker developed Adamdev*. Account reaper has many good configs and has some extra tools including combo manipulation, Proxy checker and scrapper.
Cost $10* Paypal,BTC,Paysafe and Skrill
Buy it from here:
Unknown Crackers
There is some other account crackers out there you can find them in the cracking tools section i will not name any because they are rarely supported and die out.
All the tools i used can be found on Nulled. Im not going to link or posting because i never got mine from here and i don't know if they are safe. So when starting out use VMWare until you know it's safe not to
Feel free to PM me or PM on Discord if you need support. I'm always happy to help.
Discord: @
Edited by meowtit, 10 August 2017 - 11:49 PM.