Anime Script Translator
800 XP
Q: What is cracking?
A: Cracking is a study of software, in order to identify weak points in the protection of a program, and the subsequent exploitation of these places in order to obtain free registration of a software product.
Q: How to become a cracker?
A: In order to become a cracker, first of all it is necessary to master the language of the Assembler, know the 16-th system of calculus and understand mnemonics, be able to use the debugger. But for simple break-ins, a superficial knowledge of Assembly is enough. Recycle a bunch of analetic information, and practice a lot.
Q: Is it legal to hack programs?
A: Of course not! Article 272 of the Criminal Code. Unauthorized access to computer information. But to be engaged in cracking at home (for yourself), nobody forbids you.
Q: How to start learning cracking?
A: To start learning cracking, many people advise learning the assembler language, with the subsequent processing of cracking materials for beginners, and the most important thing in this matter is practice.
Q: What cracking sites would you recommend?
A: Forum "" - there is a section on cracking and there are very friendly people. The site " " is a cracking portal (a mass of articles for beginners). The site " " - there are articles on cracking and a forum.
Q: What books on assembler to read?
A: Oleg Kalashnikov "Assembler? It's easy." He is the author of the same name distribution (by the way, many crackers started from her). Vladislav Pirogov "Assembler for Windows". Magda Y. "Using assembler to optimize C ++ programs"
Q: Where can I get cracker tools?
A: From various cracking sites. For example, on there are a lot of programs for cracker, you can also order a disk with all the necessary tools for beginners there.
Q: Where can I get information about API functions?
A: There are special directories! Enter your "API reference books" on and enjoy.
Q: On which API function should I set breakpoint to intercept the information window about the wrong registration code?
A: Well, there are many functions for creating such windows, but the main ones are 1) MessageBox 2) ShowWindow 3) CreateWindowEx. But the main course is MessageBox.
Q: And what kind of breakpoint is this?
A: Breakpoint is a program breakpoint, they are used for debugging applications, for example when you need to know what is currently contained in a variable, etc.
Q: What a simple debugger you can recommend for a newbie, otherwise SoftICE is too tough for me
A: Yes, software is really a debugger for pros, a newbie always has a lot of questions about it, even when installing! The best solution would be OllyDebuger! It is easy to install and intuitive, even for a beginner.
Q: How can I put a breakpoint in Olly?
A: Press Alt + F1 and write "bp MessageBoxA" - an example for the MessageBox function.
Q: Well, okay, how can I remove it now?
A: "bc MessageBoxA", but in general, if you enter "help" in the command line Olly, get a lot of useful information, not only on the topic of breakpoints!
Q: How can I find out what the program is packed with?
A: Use the PEid program! We just feed the binary to it and in the status bar we see what is packaged, and if not packaged, we see what it is written on!
Q: How can I package a program packed with UPX?
A: The same UPX! To do this, write the command line: upx.exe -d file.exe - where file.exe, the file that you need to unpack!
Q: Well, well, what to do with ASPack and ASProtect?
A: For AsPack - Caspr, AsPackDie. For AsProtect 1.1-1.2 - Caspr, ASPRStripperXP. In general, you need to learn to unpack programs yourself, because it is not always possible to unpack automatic unpackers !!!
Q: Is there a good packer or protector that is difficult to crack, unpack?
A: Yes. And in my opinion this is Armadillo and Obsidium.
Q: I put a breakpoint on the hmemcpy function, and for some reason it is not set!
A: Most likely the problem is in your operating system. The fact is that the hmemcpy function is not in WinNT (XP, 2000,2003). She is in 98, ME (I will not talk about 95, I did not try, I do not know).
Q: I am new to cracking. Advise what kind of easy hacking program.
A: For training in cracking, there are special small programs (Crackmes). They mimic the real protection of software. For example, you can recommend Crackmes from the Fantom. I do not know how now, but before they could be downloaded from . I would also advise to download cracks written in different programming languages. Then in real programs you will already know where to go.
Q: How can I create my KeyGen?
A: You can write a KeyGen by analyzing a section of code that generates the correct serial number, the main thing is to understand how it is generated, and then the technical matter. Porting the generation function to your program, here's your keygen. For example (a very stupid example =)):
There is a code:
MOV EAX,[наш id компа]
Suppose this procedure generates a code, by the identification number of our company, and this number, for example, will be: 12345. We get:
MOV EAX, 3039h <------- the program writes the EA EA id of the company
INC EAX <---- --- increases EAX by 1 (now at EAX = 303Ah)
ADD EAX, 2Dh <------- adds to EAX 45 (now at EAX = 3067h)
DEC EAX <------- decreases EAX by 1 (now in EAX = 3066h)
DEC EAX <------- decreases EAX by 1 (now in EAX = 3065h)
Now we can say that for id = 12345, Serial = 12389. After that, you can write a keygen with minimal programming skills.
Discord: see profile page
A: Cracking is a study of software, in order to identify weak points in the protection of a program, and the subsequent exploitation of these places in order to obtain free registration of a software product.
Q: How to become a cracker?
A: In order to become a cracker, first of all it is necessary to master the language of the Assembler, know the 16-th system of calculus and understand mnemonics, be able to use the debugger. But for simple break-ins, a superficial knowledge of Assembly is enough. Recycle a bunch of analetic information, and practice a lot.
Q: Is it legal to hack programs?
A: Of course not! Article 272 of the Criminal Code. Unauthorized access to computer information. But to be engaged in cracking at home (for yourself), nobody forbids you.
Q: How to start learning cracking?
A: To start learning cracking, many people advise learning the assembler language, with the subsequent processing of cracking materials for beginners, and the most important thing in this matter is practice.
Q: What cracking sites would you recommend?
A: Forum "" - there is a section on cracking and there are very friendly people. The site " " is a cracking portal (a mass of articles for beginners). The site " " - there are articles on cracking and a forum.
Q: What books on assembler to read?
A: Oleg Kalashnikov "Assembler? It's easy." He is the author of the same name distribution (by the way, many crackers started from her). Vladislav Pirogov "Assembler for Windows". Magda Y. "Using assembler to optimize C ++ programs"
Q: Where can I get cracker tools?
A: From various cracking sites. For example, on there are a lot of programs for cracker, you can also order a disk with all the necessary tools for beginners there.
Q: Where can I get information about API functions?
A: There are special directories! Enter your "API reference books" on and enjoy.
Q: On which API function should I set breakpoint to intercept the information window about the wrong registration code?
A: Well, there are many functions for creating such windows, but the main ones are 1) MessageBox 2) ShowWindow 3) CreateWindowEx. But the main course is MessageBox.
Q: And what kind of breakpoint is this?
A: Breakpoint is a program breakpoint, they are used for debugging applications, for example when you need to know what is currently contained in a variable, etc.
Q: What a simple debugger you can recommend for a newbie, otherwise SoftICE is too tough for me
A: Yes, software is really a debugger for pros, a newbie always has a lot of questions about it, even when installing! The best solution would be OllyDebuger! It is easy to install and intuitive, even for a beginner.
Q: How can I put a breakpoint in Olly?
A: Press Alt + F1 and write "bp MessageBoxA" - an example for the MessageBox function.
Q: Well, okay, how can I remove it now?
A: "bc MessageBoxA", but in general, if you enter "help" in the command line Olly, get a lot of useful information, not only on the topic of breakpoints!
Q: How can I find out what the program is packed with?
A: Use the PEid program! We just feed the binary to it and in the status bar we see what is packaged, and if not packaged, we see what it is written on!
Q: How can I package a program packed with UPX?
A: The same UPX! To do this, write the command line: upx.exe -d file.exe - where file.exe, the file that you need to unpack!
Q: Well, well, what to do with ASPack and ASProtect?
A: For AsPack - Caspr, AsPackDie. For AsProtect 1.1-1.2 - Caspr, ASPRStripperXP. In general, you need to learn to unpack programs yourself, because it is not always possible to unpack automatic unpackers !!!
Q: Is there a good packer or protector that is difficult to crack, unpack?
A: Yes. And in my opinion this is Armadillo and Obsidium.
Q: I put a breakpoint on the hmemcpy function, and for some reason it is not set!
A: Most likely the problem is in your operating system. The fact is that the hmemcpy function is not in WinNT (XP, 2000,2003). She is in 98, ME (I will not talk about 95, I did not try, I do not know).
Q: I am new to cracking. Advise what kind of easy hacking program.
A: For training in cracking, there are special small programs (Crackmes). They mimic the real protection of software. For example, you can recommend Crackmes from the Fantom. I do not know how now, but before they could be downloaded from . I would also advise to download cracks written in different programming languages. Then in real programs you will already know where to go.
Q: How can I create my KeyGen?
A: You can write a KeyGen by analyzing a section of code that generates the correct serial number, the main thing is to understand how it is generated, and then the technical matter. Porting the generation function to your program, here's your keygen. For example (a very stupid example =)):
There is a code:
MOV EAX,[наш id компа]
Suppose this procedure generates a code, by the identification number of our company, and this number, for example, will be: 12345. We get:
MOV EAX, 3039h <------- the program writes the EA EA id of the company
INC EAX <---- --- increases EAX by 1 (now at EAX = 303Ah)
ADD EAX, 2Dh <------- adds to EAX 45 (now at EAX = 3067h)
DEC EAX <------- decreases EAX by 1 (now in EAX = 3066h)
DEC EAX <------- decreases EAX by 1 (now in EAX = 3065h)
Now we can say that for id = 12345, Serial = 12389. After that, you can write a keygen with minimal programming skills.
Discord: see profile page