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Cracking 101:Understanding Proxies & Combo Lists + Resources To Start Cracking Today!


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Cracking 101:
Understanding Proxies & Combo Lists + Resources To Start Cracking Today!
I wrote this over the course of a few days and would appreciate all feedback you have to offer to make this guide easier to understand or if you believe I left information out.
Your feedback, good or bad, is important, so be sure to leave something.\
Why are proxies important:
Proxies are important because without them, you’d be limited on how many attempts you can make while checking passwords. This isn’t the case for ALL sites but for sites with a check limit, you will need to get some proxies if you expect to check a significant amount of lines.
Different types of proxies:
There are three different main types of proxies that you’ll need to understand the difference between and those are HTTP, SOCKS and SOCKS5. I will give a quick explanation about the differences
HTTP Proxies:
HTTP Proxy routes HTTP requests from a Web browser to the Internet, while supporting the caching of Internet data and these proxies can be split into 3 categories: Transparent, Anonymous, Elite. I’ll quickly give you a basic understanding of each.
-Transparent HTTP Proxies:
As the name suggests, these proxies will show pretty much everything that you don’t want shown while cracking, such as your real IP address and other personal information. While these proxies WILL work, it’s suggested to avoid them for obvious reasons. You may feel more comfortable using transparent proxies if your machine is already connected to a VPN but otherwise, just avoid using them when possible.
-Anonymous HTTP Proxies:
While these proxies will keep your local information anonymous like the name suggests, the website you are checking will be informed that you are using a proxy so sometimes these won’t work on sites with higher levels of security.
-Elite HTTP Proxies:
These proxies are what you are going to want to focus on the most since they not only protect your local identity, but they also tell the site you are checking that it’s a real IP that is visiting instead of pointing out that you are behind a proxy. While these are the best option to use for cracking, they are also the hardest to find for free.
SOCKS Proxies:
A SOCKS proxy is a general-purpose proxy, that establishes a TCP connection to another server on behalf of your machine and then routes all the traffic back and forth between your machine and the server. There are two types of SOCKS proxies and those are SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 which I will now cover in short detail like I did for HTTP.
SOCKS4 or SOCKS Level 4:
This level of socks only supports TCP application and while these proxies work OK for most sites, it’s just best practice to hunt down SOCKS5 lists to use, over SOCKS4 due to their extended range of uses.
SOCKS5 or SOCKS Level 5:
SOCKS5 proxies will support all the grounds socks4 supports but because of the fact that SOCKS5 also supports other authentication methods and domain name resolution, these are the proxies that you are going to want the most of when you can get them.
Difference between Paid / Public Proxies:
The main difference between paid and free proxies is that with paid proxies you are getting higher-quality proxies that aren’t being used by everyone else. By having higher quality proxies, you’ll typically have much faster checks per minute (CPM). If you decide to go with free proxies, there is a chance that you’ll end up using proxies that have already been banned by a site and you’ll either end up with a bunch of retries, or false misses on accounts that would have been valid if you used a better proxy list.
Rotating Vs Non-Rotating:
Once you get into paid proxies, you’ll come across a time when you debate on whether you want to buy rotating proxies, or just regular proxies. As the name suggest, rotating proxies will rotate to different IPs at a set interval or on every request. These are GREAT for sites that have harsh check limits or that ban IPs that have made too many checks.
Something to consider when buying rotating proxies is if the tool you are using or not actually supports rotating proxies or not. This is something that you should ask the developer of the tool about if it’s not publicly listed in any support documents offered.
Tools That I’ve Used Rotating Proxies Without Any Issues:
- Mega Crack 1 & 2
- Black Bullet
- Apex Cracker
IP Locations and Why It Matters:
Sites like Papa Johns, Dominos, Macy’s and a bunch others, require specific IP locations in order to care about the login attempt. If you aren’t using specific IP location proxies, you’ll be left with a bunch of retries since the IP is getting blocked from the server. Region specific proxies can be significantly more expensive to buy, but they are the only option for many sites. Keep this in mind when buying proxies!
There are a handful of different combo list types, but the most common that you are going to come across and need will be Username and Email combo lists. While I won’t be explaining how to inject databases to create your own combo bases in this guide, I’ll make sure you have a complete understanding of the two common types and how to make sure you have a better understanding on what to watch for and what to avoid when buying combo lists.
Basics Of Any Combo List:
Combination lists, or combo lists for short are text files with 2 or more parts often separated by a colon or semi-colon. See screenshot below for an example of a few different types common combo lists
Email Combo List.
Username Combo
Phone Number Combo
Not All Combo Lists Are Created The Same
Combo lists are mostly (should only be) created from databases, commonly referred to as bases. These databases are often taken from websites with vulnerabilities via SQL injection (SQLi) but there are a few other methods that people go about obtaining/creating combo lists that aren’t likely to score you any real hits at all. One of these methods is called “Generating Combo Linesâ€. I won’t bother getting into the details of this, since the only thing that matters is that you understand they are a rip-off. It doesn’t matter how cheap these lines are offered to you, just say “no thanks†and be on your way.
Public vs Private For Lists and Lines
This is where things get a little tricky. While some people swear by only buying private lines, there are a bunch of others that aren’t as concerned about the public/private rate of their combo list. I will try to explain to the best of my ability the difference of both and why you will often see “Private†or “Public†used to describe both the list and the lines inside the list.
Private/Public List:
If a list is shared onto a forum, or given out to a handful of members, that list would be considered public, since it wasn’t just given to 1 person to use. A Private list does not always mean that the lines within them are private.
Private/Public Lines:
This is pertaining to the actual lines within the combo list. A public or private line is determined by using an Anti Public tool. Again, just because the lines are currently private does not mean that the list itself hasn’t been shared with others
Tips For Buying Combo Lists
Look for reviews/vouches - If the seller doesn’t have any yet and you are unsure about buying from them, just wait until feedback from other buys is left. There are plenty of sellers with good feedback that you can buy from instead.
Avoid buying lists sold SPECIFICALLY for a site - Lists sold like this are often full of hits for whatever site listed, but are typically lists created with hits that the seller didn’t have any use of or have already been tapped for their value. For example, Fortnite lists have been famous for this lately.
There is no way for ANY seller to genuinely guarantee you a certain amount of hits unless they’ve either ran the list themselves or put the hits in the list intentionally. Often, “Guaranteeing Hits†is just used as a sales gimmick, or the seller doesn’t mind handing out a ton of replacement lists.
And if you are just given a bunch of replacement lists, something is up with the seller. Because someone that puts actual time into injecting, dehashing and creating quality splits for people, will not give out unlimited replacement lists like someone would that is just taking them for free off a different forum.
Just because you only got a few hits on one site, does not mean you were delivered a “Bad Splitâ€. Now if you try it on a few sites that are within the same niche that you bought for and you’re still not getting any hits, then it might be time to send the seller a message to explain the luck you’ve had.
These listed resources are in no way meant to seem like the 'best of' possibilities. What's currently listed are the recources that I've personally bought / used. I can not speak for others experience.
If there is something that you feel has been left out, please leave it in the replies and if you aren't the only one that agrees, I can add it to the list.
PAID - SNIPRâ„¢ï¸ â€” First and Best C# Configurable Checker - Many built in configs and ALWAYS being updated. Highly recommend for anyone new.
PAID - [ MegaCrack 2.0 ] The most reputable MEGA Cracker on this forum. - One of my personal favorites due to speed and the amount of hits you can obtain.
FREE - Sentry MBA 1.4.1 Multi Patched - Old but still gold. If you are wanting to start cracking with a free tool, this is for sure the place to start.
FREE - Steam Accounts Checker V0.4 By X-Slayer - Released by LEFTCRACKER
FREE - DeathByCaptcha Checker - Another great share by LEFTCRACKER
FREE - THE BEST CRACKING PACK 2018 - A sweet collection put together by Julia
(more coming soon)
FREE - 267 STORM Configs Pack - A great config pack for storm put together by ND03
FREE - x104 Sentry MBA Configs || All Made / Updated In 2018 - Sentry configs from 2018 put together by me
FREE - Nulled Public Config Section - All of the configs posted on Nulled
PAID - SNIPR Custom Config Making Service - Custom SNIPR configs made by ZIZ
PAID - [24/7] Proxies24.com | Updated Hourly | Affordable HQ Proxies | SOCKS4/5 & HTTP | RESIDENTIAL SOCKS - An affordable proxy option for beginners.
FREE - ProxyScrape Free Lists - Basic free proxy lists
PAID - ProxyStorm - Expensive but high quality Rotating & Private Dedicated Proxies
PAID - FineProxy - Recently increased prices so it's not cheap, but this is my go to company for proxies.
FREE - Public Proxy shares on Nulled. - Sometimes you get lucky to find some really good proxies shared in here. Always worth looking.
PAID - https://www.proxyrack.com/ - Rotating proxies subscription - Suggested by  kritikw0w
PAID - https://rsocks.net/ - High quality socks provider - Suggested by  kritikw0w
[Combo Lists]
FREE - Public Shares Section on Nulled - Always a great place for anyone to start!
FREE - 1,327,000 HQ Private Golden Combos - Nice Email:Pass share by Nadal
PAID - Combo Lists in Nulled Marketplace - Plenty of great sellers to choose from.
PAID - NextList Premium Combo Lists - Affordable Combo List Subscription Service. Always new lists being added.
FREE - 1 GB+ of Combo Lists One Mega Tread [/hide]
Let me know what you think about what I've put together so far!
This guide is currently : 2,032 words 11,298 characters and more WILL be added

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