Social Media Strategist
100 XP
"LQ posting": LQ stands for Low Quality, when you post something that has no value to the thread.
"HQ posting": HQ stands for High quality, when you post something that has value to the thread.
"MM": MM stands for Middle Man, an intermediary between two parties during a deal to prevent scamming.
"Sig/Siggy": Sig stands for Signature, a form of graphic design that gets shown every time you post.
"Multi": A multi is someone who makes multiple accounts(against the rules, can be banned)
"Random": A random is someone who no one knows, is used as an insult.
"DD": DD stands for Deal Dispute, if you just got scammed you can open a DD against the person that scammed you and you guys will have a sort of court.
"GayPal/PP": Both of those mean PayPal, PayPal is an e-commerce company that facilitates payments between parties through online funds transfers.
"BTC": BTC stands for Bitcoin, a type of digital currency.
"ETH": ETH stands for Ethereum, a type of digital currency.
"XRP": XRP is Ripple, a type of digital currency.
"LTC": LTC stands for Litecoin, a type of digital currency.
"Rats": Rats are a remote access Trojan, a malware program that includes a back door for administrative control over the target computer. Also called Remote Access Tool or Remote Administration Tool.
"GFX": GFX stands for Graphic Effects, any type of Graphic Art.
"VM": Virtual machines (VMs) allow a business to run an operating system that behaves like a completely separate computer in an app window on a desktop.
"VFX": VFX stands for Visual Effects, any type of Video Art.
"DWC": DWC stands for Deal With Caution, it is for anyone who has an active deal dispute on them, or if there's an active impersonator they post a warning.
"UB": UB stands for UserBar. Something that is displayed underneath your user title that signifies what group you are in.
"Vouch": A vouch is a confirmation that someone is legit as a result of one's own experience.
"eWhore": eWhoring is a black hat(or grey hat in some cases) technique for making money. Basically what you do it you pretend to be a girl in a chat room.
"Cop": to get, receive, purchase, steal, or have.
"GLWS": GLWS stands for Good Luck With Sales.
"Charge-back": A charge-back is a transaction reversal.
"Beamed/Beam": When an account is sold to another user. the user then charge-backs the payment that he made. Basically means scamming(Against the rules, can be banned)
"C/O": CO stands for Current Offer.
"BIN": BIN stands for Buy It Now price.
"POF": POF stands for Proof Of Funds, if someone is selling something and you offer they may ask for you to show POF to know that you are not wasting their time.
"E-Commerce": Commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet.
"Addy": Referred to as a Crypto Currency Address.
"Scammer": Someone who commits fraud in steal money and or an account from another user.
"FA": Full Access means youll receive every thing linked with/to the account youve purchased.
"NFA": Not Full Access means youll not receive every thing linked with/ to the account. (Be extremely cautious).
"Reputable": A trusted user within the community.
"Niche": Usually associated with a Stat, refers to the audience of the page.
“Leech/Leecher”: Someone who comments to unlock the post but doesn’t like it and doesn't contribute to the community.
“Clipper”: A malware that replaces copied crypto address with the attacker's address.
“Nulled.to/Nulled/N.To”: A popular site similar to cracked.to
“SE”: Social Engineering. Using human interaction/communications and deception to manipulate a person or company to perform a certain task, such as disclosing sensitive information, providing access to services, issuing refunds, etc.
“RE”: Reverse Engineer(ing). Refers to the deconstruction of software into it's functional code, where it can then be analyzed for various reasons including: malware analysis, bypassing registrations, or injecting custom code.
“Combo”: A username and password combination, typically represented in the format <username>:<password>, or if it contains capture data <username>:<password> | <capture data>
“Combolist”: A collection of multiple combos
“Capture”: Information relevant to a combo for a specific site/sites, such as account access level, expiration date, or purchases
“RDP”: Remote Desktop Protocol. A Microsoft technology for remotely accessing desktops. Sometimes also used to refer to a VPS.
“VPS”: Virtual Private Server. Typically a virtual machine sold as a service from a hosting provider.
“Dorks”: Keywords to perform an advanced search query on search engines such as Google and Bing.
"VC": Voice chat or vouch copy (Giving a reputable user access to what your selling and them writing an honest review), Depending on the context
"Disc": A short hand for the popular chat application discord
"Tele/T.me": A short hand for the popular chat application Telegram
"Checker": A program that would check for valid hits (meaning if the login works), usually done for cracking purposes
"Creds/Credits": The onsite currency for purchasing autobumpers, pin threads, etc
"B4U": Means Buy For You, usually the service is related to buying something at a discount, (et Ubereats B4U, where they purchase Ubereats for you at a % discount)
"Proxies/Proxy": A server which enables you to browse the internet privately under a different IP Address or Someone else selling a product/service for someone else
"Config": In cracking, a "config" is a custom file used with tools like OpenBullet to automate login attempts on a specific website or service. It contains instructions for the login process, including the target URL and how to interpret server responses to identify successful logins.
"Open Up": Using identities to make or create a bank account or other related financial service (such as cashapp, venmo, kraken, etc)
"SMTPs": SMTPS is an extension of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) that uses SSL/TLS encryption to secure the transmission of emails, ensuring data privacy during transfer.
"Logs/Cashouts": Usually mean a account with balance in cash or credit that is cracked and can be brought and used to try to withdraw the money, or use the available balance
"Stresser": Another term for DDOS attack programs
"cPanel": cPanel is a web-based control panel that allows users to manage various aspects of their web hosting, such as managing domains, files, databases, email accounts, and server settings through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
"Flashed Crypto/Flasher": It means crypto sent, usually on the ethereum blockchain that never confirms, it will be on pending forever and eventually dropped. Flasher is the program that can send flashed crypto
"Sms/Sms Verification": A message sent to a phone number, usually to confirm/register a account
"FTID": FTID, or Fake Tracking ID, is a method used in refund scams where a manipulated tracking number or altered shipping label is provided to mislead the recipient or the seller about the delivery status of a package.
"Boxing": In the context of refunding, "boxing" refers to a method where an empty or incorrect item box is shipped back to the retailer to trick them into issuing a refund without actually returning the original product.
"Fullz": A set of identification, usually ID, Driver License, etc. Used to verify for Open Ups (refer to the term definition above)
"Exit/Exited": Refers to a user who has scammed
Updated on OCT 2024, PM me if there's anything I'm missing
"HQ posting": HQ stands for High quality, when you post something that has value to the thread.
"MM": MM stands for Middle Man, an intermediary between two parties during a deal to prevent scamming.
"Sig/Siggy": Sig stands for Signature, a form of graphic design that gets shown every time you post.
"Multi": A multi is someone who makes multiple accounts(against the rules, can be banned)
"Random": A random is someone who no one knows, is used as an insult.
"DD": DD stands for Deal Dispute, if you just got scammed you can open a DD against the person that scammed you and you guys will have a sort of court.
"GayPal/PP": Both of those mean PayPal, PayPal is an e-commerce company that facilitates payments between parties through online funds transfers.
"BTC": BTC stands for Bitcoin, a type of digital currency.
"ETH": ETH stands for Ethereum, a type of digital currency.
"XRP": XRP is Ripple, a type of digital currency.
"LTC": LTC stands for Litecoin, a type of digital currency.
"Rats": Rats are a remote access Trojan, a malware program that includes a back door for administrative control over the target computer. Also called Remote Access Tool or Remote Administration Tool.
"GFX": GFX stands for Graphic Effects, any type of Graphic Art.
"VM": Virtual machines (VMs) allow a business to run an operating system that behaves like a completely separate computer in an app window on a desktop.
"VFX": VFX stands for Visual Effects, any type of Video Art.
"DWC": DWC stands for Deal With Caution, it is for anyone who has an active deal dispute on them, or if there's an active impersonator they post a warning.
"UB": UB stands for UserBar. Something that is displayed underneath your user title that signifies what group you are in.
"Vouch": A vouch is a confirmation that someone is legit as a result of one's own experience.
"eWhore": eWhoring is a black hat(or grey hat in some cases) technique for making money. Basically what you do it you pretend to be a girl in a chat room.
"Cop": to get, receive, purchase, steal, or have.
"GLWS": GLWS stands for Good Luck With Sales.
"Charge-back": A charge-back is a transaction reversal.
"Beamed/Beam": When an account is sold to another user. the user then charge-backs the payment that he made. Basically means scamming(Against the rules, can be banned)
"C/O": CO stands for Current Offer.
"BIN": BIN stands for Buy It Now price.
"POF": POF stands for Proof Of Funds, if someone is selling something and you offer they may ask for you to show POF to know that you are not wasting their time.
"E-Commerce": Commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet.
"Addy": Referred to as a Crypto Currency Address.
"Scammer": Someone who commits fraud in steal money and or an account from another user.
"FA": Full Access means youll receive every thing linked with/to the account youve purchased.
"NFA": Not Full Access means youll not receive every thing linked with/ to the account. (Be extremely cautious).
"Reputable": A trusted user within the community.
"Niche": Usually associated with a Stat, refers to the audience of the page.
“Leech/Leecher”: Someone who comments to unlock the post but doesn’t like it and doesn't contribute to the community.
“Clipper”: A malware that replaces copied crypto address with the attacker's address.
“Nulled.to/Nulled/N.To”: A popular site similar to cracked.to
“SE”: Social Engineering. Using human interaction/communications and deception to manipulate a person or company to perform a certain task, such as disclosing sensitive information, providing access to services, issuing refunds, etc.
“RE”: Reverse Engineer(ing). Refers to the deconstruction of software into it's functional code, where it can then be analyzed for various reasons including: malware analysis, bypassing registrations, or injecting custom code.
“Combo”: A username and password combination, typically represented in the format <username>:<password>, or if it contains capture data <username>:<password> | <capture data>
“Combolist”: A collection of multiple combos
“Capture”: Information relevant to a combo for a specific site/sites, such as account access level, expiration date, or purchases
“RDP”: Remote Desktop Protocol. A Microsoft technology for remotely accessing desktops. Sometimes also used to refer to a VPS.
“VPS”: Virtual Private Server. Typically a virtual machine sold as a service from a hosting provider.
“Dorks”: Keywords to perform an advanced search query on search engines such as Google and Bing.
"VC": Voice chat or vouch copy (Giving a reputable user access to what your selling and them writing an honest review), Depending on the context
"Disc": A short hand for the popular chat application discord
"Tele/T.me": A short hand for the popular chat application Telegram
"Checker": A program that would check for valid hits (meaning if the login works), usually done for cracking purposes
"Creds/Credits": The onsite currency for purchasing autobumpers, pin threads, etc
"B4U": Means Buy For You, usually the service is related to buying something at a discount, (et Ubereats B4U, where they purchase Ubereats for you at a % discount)
"Proxies/Proxy": A server which enables you to browse the internet privately under a different IP Address or Someone else selling a product/service for someone else
"Config": In cracking, a "config" is a custom file used with tools like OpenBullet to automate login attempts on a specific website or service. It contains instructions for the login process, including the target URL and how to interpret server responses to identify successful logins.
"Open Up": Using identities to make or create a bank account or other related financial service (such as cashapp, venmo, kraken, etc)
"SMTPs": SMTPS is an extension of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) that uses SSL/TLS encryption to secure the transmission of emails, ensuring data privacy during transfer.
"Logs/Cashouts": Usually mean a account with balance in cash or credit that is cracked and can be brought and used to try to withdraw the money, or use the available balance
"Stresser": Another term for DDOS attack programs
"cPanel": cPanel is a web-based control panel that allows users to manage various aspects of their web hosting, such as managing domains, files, databases, email accounts, and server settings through an easy-to-use graphical interface.
"Flashed Crypto/Flasher": It means crypto sent, usually on the ethereum blockchain that never confirms, it will be on pending forever and eventually dropped. Flasher is the program that can send flashed crypto
"Sms/Sms Verification": A message sent to a phone number, usually to confirm/register a account
"FTID": FTID, or Fake Tracking ID, is a method used in refund scams where a manipulated tracking number or altered shipping label is provided to mislead the recipient or the seller about the delivery status of a package.
"Boxing": In the context of refunding, "boxing" refers to a method where an empty or incorrect item box is shipped back to the retailer to trick them into issuing a refund without actually returning the original product.
"Fullz": A set of identification, usually ID, Driver License, etc. Used to verify for Open Ups (refer to the term definition above)
"Exit/Exited": Refers to a user who has scammed
Updated on OCT 2024, PM me if there's anything I'm missing