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[CONTROVERSIAL] A real man should not informally hang out with women..


Software Architect
D Rep
D Vouches
LEVEL 1 100 XP
..except his mother, wife/wives, daughters, and women in the family
-one of the biggest reasons that society is in a moral decline today is men committing adultery with random women – sex outside marriage.
Forever remember the following statement:
A bad woman is worse than death.
Many of you younger kids might not understand this, and trust me, you do not want to get your life destroyed. If there’s an older guy reading this, you know very well how it doesn’t get truer than this.
Men should only hang out with men – to learn business, to learn how to get stuff done, to actually get stuff done, to discuss important things, etc. Only when you are morally in order, have a business, understand how the world works, are ready to commit to a family life, and only then should you start looking into a marriage (marriage under God, not the government). And then, it’s not you who goes out there and looks for women - women find you, good women. One who looks for a woman finds the devil, and the one who looks for God receives a woman from Him. Let me tell you how this was done in the past - through a manager - an older morally in-tact person with experience who will find you choices of good women from good families from which you will choose a match. Then that woman goes through a series of “tests” (hanging out with your grandma for ex., grandmas are good judges for checking if a woman is good), etc. This topic can be a book for itself as it’s very broad.
When you want to buy a car, you consult someone with experience so you don’t’ end buying some garbage that will break down after two drives. Same goes for when you are looking for women. You’re young and have no experience to judge yet. And you’re delusional if you think you’re capable of doing it yourself, it’s just an excuse to fuck. Finding a woman yourself is like walking on a minefield, and you don’t want to get blown up. You most likely know someone, whether from your own family, neighbors, friends, etc., where a woman destroyed his life. Examples of what a bad woman can do: she can sue you for rape and then you’re fucked for life (99% of times it will go in her favor). She can teach your own children to be against you, and then you’re fucked again. She can cheat on you and if you’re a weakling, you will be fucked (but at least this is fixable). She can go insane, she can become a witch, etc. I’d rather die than those things happen to me because they are literally worse than death. Note that this can’t happen if you consult an expert and don’t just give in to your lower, human urges. There’s a lot more to this of course.
P.S Sex is not a physiological need. You won’t get aroused unless you think about it or see it advertised and start thinking about it. The complete “fuck as many women as you can” and you’ll be a boss mindset that is present today is pure spiritual and physical destruction, it’s extremely dangerous.



