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Combo Tools STORM v2.6.0.2 Released

dreamer 33333

Product Launch Expert
D Rep
D Vouches
LEVEL 1 200 XP
  • Supports FTP checking
  • Built-in Javascript Executor
  • Brotli Decompression
  • Possible to use both FTP and HTTP stages in one config
  • Unlimited stages are supported
  • Loop through the stages until you like
  • Debug form for analyzing and check settings, send and receive data
  • Load up to 20million combo lists!
  • Supports HTTP/S
  • Supports Socks 4/5
  • Supports auto-update proxies, when you load fresh proxies program auto-update exist proxies
  • Pass the CloudFlare's Under Attack Mode
  • Features an advanced configuration of all the engine stages by using special variables: in this way user is able to configure correctly the engine for very specialized cases.
  • Supports fully configurable Keywords Capture (useful in order to get premium account details)
  • Supports fully configurable Form JavaScript Redirect (useful to get the page where a premium account detail is shown)
  • Supports multiple additional form redirects
  • Supports advanced special Keywords Matching Functions
Supports encoding methods
  • URLEncode / URLDecode - Description: Encode/Decode an String
  • Base64 Encode/Decode - Description: Base64 Encode/Decode an String
  • HTML Encode/Decode - Description: HTML Encode/Decode an String
Supports string-related functions
  • Uppercase / Lowercase - Description: Upper/Lower each char of String/Text/Source
  • Length - Description: Gets the number of characters in the provided String/Text/Source
  • Trim / TrimStart / TrimEnd - Description: Trim And Replace Spaces at Start/End or Both part of a String/Text/Source
  • Replace - Description: Replace an string/text/word with an string/text/word
  • Substring - Description: Extract a string/text by providing start index and optionally length to be extracted till
  • CombineText - Description: Combine/Merge several strings/texts, merge order will be the order of provided arguments
  • IndexOf - Description: Return index of an string/text in in base String/Text/Source
  • Add - Description: Add a String/Text to the left provided argument(s)
  • FindTagVal - Description: Get/Extract text between two strings/word/texts
  • RegexMatch - Description: Get/Extract Text matched by the provided Regex Pattern Based on .NET
  • RegexMatches - Description: Get/Extract All Texts matched by the provided Regex Pattern Based on .NET
  • RegexReplace - Description: Replace Texts matched by the provided Regex .NET Based Pattern with the provided Replacement string
  • RegexEx - Description: Get/Extract Text matched by the provided Regex .NET Based Pattern, Group Capturing is also supported!
  • RegexExAdd - Description: Add the new RegexEx function results to the old MatchEx, mostly being used for Loop Stages
  • RegexExPropertiesSetter - Description: Add the new RegexEx function results to the old MatchEx, mostly being used for Loop Stages
  • RegexExPropertiesSetter - Description: Set the Properties of The MatchEx
  • RegexExPrint - Description: Prints the MatchEx(s)! Put several MatchEx(s) in the arguments and it will print them all in a Smart way, Take care of the MatchEx(s) order that you put as an argument!
  • JsonSerialize - Description: Serialize a String or object to JSON
  • CharCodeAt - Description: Returns an integer between 0 and 65535 representing the UTF-16 code unit at the given index
  • Count - Description: Count the number of occurrences of one string in another string!
  • Reverse - Reverse: Reverse a string
  • GetBytes - Description: Get Bytes of a String/Text
  • GetString - Description: Get String of the Byte Array
  • Addition - Description: Addition
  • Subtraction - Description: Subtraction
  • Division - Description: Division
  • Modulus - Description: The % operator computes the remainder after dividing its first operand by its second
  • Multiplication - Description: Multiplication
  • Logical or bitwise XOR - Description: Returns a specified number raised to the specified power
  • Abs - Description: Returns the absolute value of a Decimal number
  • Ceil - Description: Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified double-precision floating-point number
  • Floor - Description: Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified double-precision floating-point number
  • Round - Description: Rounds a decimal value to a specified number of fractional digits
Other Functions
  • UnixTime - Description: Return Current Timestamp (like: 1517516792.63398)
  • UnixTimeToDate - Description: Converts Unix Timestamp to date, like: 2/28/2018
  • If - Description: Returns one of two values depending on the value of the Boolean expression
  • JSExecute - Description: Executes Javascript codes
  • JsSetParameter - Description: Set a Parameter to the Javascript code
  • JsGetVar - Description: Get Javascript Variable of the Executed Code result
  • Generate - Description: Generate Random GUID/UUID/Device ID!
  • Sleep - Description: Suspends the current thread for the specified amount of time in milliseconds
Supports crypto string methods
  • MD5 - Description: Encrypt an String/Text to MD5
  • SHA - Description: Encrypt an String To SHA-1/SHA-256/SHA-384/SHA-512 (Support ReturnAs "Base64")
  • HMAC - Description: Encrypt an String to HMAC with several hash types ("MD5" / "RIPEMD160" / "SHA1" / "SHA256" / "SHA384" / "SHA512") (Support ReturnAs "Base64", "HEX")
  • PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 - Description: Encrypt an String to PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 (Support ReturnAs "Base64", "HEX")
  • PBKDF2-PKCS5 - Description: Encrypt an String to PBKDF2-PKCS5 (Support ReturnAs "Base64", "HEX")
  • AES - Description: Encrypt an String to AES (Support CipherMode, PaddingMode, ReturnAs "Base64", "HEX", "BYTES")
  • RSAParameters - Description: Generate an RSAParameters class to use in the RSA function
  • RSA - Description: Encrypt an String/Byte Array To AES
And much more functions and features...
A changelog is available in the archive.
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