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Children's coloring is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to spend time with interest and benefit. This activity is suitable for toddlers from 1.5 years old. So what's the use of coloring books?
Painting a certain object, familiar or unfamiliar to himself, the child replenishes his knowledge about the shape, color of this object, develops observation. At first, in the picture, both the sun may turn out to be green and the crocodile orange. This is normal: the child learns the world, transfers it to a sheet of paper, trying to reproduce colors. By these actions, he expands his horizons. Therefore, to begin with, choose objects familiar to the baby: a ball, an apple, a pear, a soft toy, etc.
When coloring, fine motor skills of the hands develops, which is directly related to the development of the baby's thinking, as well as the success of mastering writing skills. At first, coloring should not contain too many small details. This will allow the child to focus on each object separately.
Drawings should have a wide outline. For such a contour, it will be difficult for the baby's insecure handle. This allows you to hide natural errors and gives you confidence. The outlines of the pictures should be smooth, without corners and complex bends.
As the child grows up and masters the painting technique, the number of small details in the drawing increases and the figure itself becomes more complex.
In addition to motor skills, the child's volitional sphere also develops: after all, he needs to try very hard so as not to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing, he needs to learn how to control the pressure of the pencil so as not to tear the paper. Coloring develops the child's perseverance and attention. Here's an example of good coloring page - Via
Coloring pages are the way to the world of fine arts, to the world of creativity, this is the development of the child's artistic taste. You can invite the child to paint on the picture and come up with a plot of the picture, based on the content of the painted one.
Mixing paints, obtaining new colors and shades is also a creative, educational, interesting and even "magical" process for a child.
Coloring involves improving both the complexity of the drawing and the choice of tools. At first, it can generally be coloring with fingers using water (there are such coloring), then - pencils, felt-tip pens, paints.
Painting a certain object, familiar or unfamiliar to himself, the child replenishes his knowledge about the shape, color of this object, develops observation. At first, in the picture, both the sun may turn out to be green and the crocodile orange. This is normal: the child learns the world, transfers it to a sheet of paper, trying to reproduce colors. By these actions, he expands his horizons. Therefore, to begin with, choose objects familiar to the baby: a ball, an apple, a pear, a soft toy, etc.
When coloring, fine motor skills of the hands develops, which is directly related to the development of the baby's thinking, as well as the success of mastering writing skills. At first, coloring should not contain too many small details. This will allow the child to focus on each object separately.
Drawings should have a wide outline. For such a contour, it will be difficult for the baby's insecure handle. This allows you to hide natural errors and gives you confidence. The outlines of the pictures should be smooth, without corners and complex bends.
As the child grows up and masters the painting technique, the number of small details in the drawing increases and the figure itself becomes more complex.
In addition to motor skills, the child's volitional sphere also develops: after all, he needs to try very hard so as not to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing, he needs to learn how to control the pressure of the pencil so as not to tear the paper. Coloring develops the child's perseverance and attention. Here's an example of good coloring page - Via
Coloring pages are the way to the world of fine arts, to the world of creativity, this is the development of the child's artistic taste. You can invite the child to paint on the picture and come up with a plot of the picture, based on the content of the painted one.
Mixing paints, obtaining new colors and shades is also a creative, educational, interesting and even "magical" process for a child.
Coloring involves improving both the complexity of the drawing and the choice of tools. At first, it can generally be coloring with fingers using water (there are such coloring), then - pencils, felt-tip pens, paints.