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[Clashbot] Trophy Push To Champion(Settings,jpgs)


Tech Revolutionist
P Rep
P Vouches
LEVEL 1 200 XP
I just wanted to share with you that I made it to Champion with only clashbot.
And you <strike>can</strike>[could have done] it too!
7 days ago I was farming at 1500 trophies. I started trophy pushing (no manual help, no heroes) and today am a Champion!
Update:2nd try starting from gold 3 (this time with queen lvl 15 help) took less than 4 days to get to Champion.
Townhall 11 updateadded: the good news
I am th 9 and thanks to finding clashbot 2 months ago I am now nearly maxed at th 9. Just have a little research to catch up on.
Below you will find screenshots and all my settings as well as download links and other useful links you might need in your journey to get to Champion.
Just post a reply then come back to page 1 (:
1> All my Cbot settings with screenshots and detailed descriptions to get to Champion
2> Newest Cbot cracked Link
3> A farm settings link I use
4> How to access and control cbot and your computer when you aren't at home
5> Link to Bluestacks rooted
Clashbot download link:
<strike>Download ClashBot 7.8.2 By Exclusive:
<strike>Clashbot Raccoonbot Latest rev 1848 vip premium By Exclusive :
Clashbot official : http://boostbot.org/clash-of-clans-bot-download/
VIP crack r1936 no crashes :
Farm settings that work well for me
Clashbot 7.5 farm settings:
Yea... not really anymore after the new update... still playing around with it and looking for something better.
Teamviewer: controlling clash bot when your not at home
I use teamviewer everyday from work and on my phone when I am on the road. I want to check that Cbot is running well. Also sometimes I want to change settings, change my mind on a building upgrade or just check the statistics page. Windows isn't always the most stable operating system also there's random windows updates that restart the pc and so on. Use teamviewer to check up on your progress from any remote location: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/downl...viewer.com/en/download/currentversion.aspxand install the phone/and or ipad app. Once you get teamviewer installed on the computer with cbot running on it you just want to assign an "unattended access password". This unattended access password and your ID number will never change. So now write down your ID number or enter it into your phone's teamviewer app once and connect and then you're good to go.
Bluestacks rooted
I have tried installing a couple rooted bluestacks and got fake stuff. This one that jhayartsput up works so thought I'd post the link here for you
Here’s roughly how I set the attack capacity...
at Gold divisions: 40-50%
at Crystal divisions: 60-70%
at Master divisions: 100%
Max Distance: 44px
Size of troop wave: 27
Delay: 3.0 sec
When at 100% capacity, with the troop wave and the delay settings like this, nearly every attack will not use all the troops. If attack capacity is set at 100% you will go into battle with 100% troops, but that doesn't mean clashbot will use all the troops every time. Once the TH is destroyed clashbot will end the war a few seconds after. Clashbot does use more troops then it needs to, and sometimes it doesn't even target the th correctly, but we just gotta make the best with what we got right now.
At master I used barbs and minions only,
before that I used barbs and archers only.
My barbs and archers are level 6 and my minions are level 5.
Your barb, archer, minion levels are an important factor in making this work or at least in the time it will take. If you want similar results to mine you should first get your units to the same level. My king and queen were upgrading the whole time so they were never used (the first time when it took me 7-8 days).
These screenshots are with 7.5 (which is what I have been using until 11/21 now Exclusive come out with 7.8!!
+I hope you all enjoy this content and the time/effort I put into it



