Firewall Penetration Expert
400 XP
Hey guys,
Just saw this on the Clashbot forums and thought I'd share. Looks like there is going to be support for 7.6 and a new Clashbot 8 Beta. Do your thing Exclusive!
Recently Supercell, the owners of Clash of Clans have decided to come after us! Their method of attacking us is through false claims that the "Clash" in "ClashBot" is owned by them. We will be fighting this in order to preserve the domain for our software. However, as there is a slight chance we may not have control over the domain during this period we will be switching to our new domain early so we can effectively get the word out and guarantee minimal downtime and minimal confusion on where to go.
So today I am announcing that within the next next week (or as early as within the next 24 hours) we will be making a switch to a brand new domain. This MAY BE TEMPORARY OR IT MAY BE PERMANENT it depends on the outcome. We will know the outcome for sure within 30-60 days maybe sooner.
Here is how the transfer to the new domain will go:
Just saw this on the Clashbot forums and thought I'd share. Looks like there is going to be support for 7.6 and a new Clashbot 8 Beta. Do your thing Exclusive!
Recently Supercell, the owners of Clash of Clans have decided to come after us! Their method of attacking us is through false claims that the "Clash" in "ClashBot" is owned by them. We will be fighting this in order to preserve the domain for our software. However, as there is a slight chance we may not have control over the domain during this period we will be switching to our new domain early so we can effectively get the word out and guarantee minimal downtime and minimal confusion on where to go.
So today I am announcing that within the next next week (or as early as within the next 24 hours) we will be making a switch to a brand new domain. This MAY BE TEMPORARY OR IT MAY BE PERMANENT it depends on the outcome. We will know the outcome for sure within 30-60 days maybe sooner.
Here is how the transfer to the new domain will go:
- We will send an email out notifying everyone of this change.
- We will be moving everything over to our new domain (should take 5-10 minutes)
- We will release a brand new version of ClashBot that will be available for download on the new domain. This will fix the authentication issues that everyone will encounter when we switch domains.
- We will redirect to the new domain
- For the time being you will use our new domain name instead of
- You get to use our new and improved bot
- Other than that, nothing changes!