Metaverse Investor
200 XP
First, if you are not willing to pay, download the free bot mybot from Although, if yo uare willing to pay i strongly reccomend as it can double the results of your farming. Then, you will need the right config. For raccoon I can no longer show my config as my vip has expired, but I am willing to share my config from mybot. I recommend you download the aio++ mod off the forums as it ads more features such as how close the collectors are etc. I am a low weight th9 getting roughly600k g/e an hour. and 2500 dark elixir.
IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU JOIN A BOTTING CLAN IF YOU WANT TO AVOID BAN!! (or no clan) many clan members will report if they believe you to be botting where as otherwise you are safe as your attacks tend not to be reported. remove obstacles etc is to keep your village clean. Collect treasury is to make sure it doesnt fill up and rearm traps is simply to keep your village protected. I keep builder base off to avoid issues. Ground farming is what i use so therefore i turned off air challenges Giants are the most effective for my ground farming as I will explain later
I will skip my donation settings, as many clans have their own settings that the wish you to follow. I don't have my heroes always upgrading as I am upgrading my barracks etc atm, although it could be helpful if your defences are up to scratch Auto upgrade is very helpful and I would never reccomend turning it off as it maxes your base out nicely. ALWAYS SAVE ONE BUILDER FOR WALLS!! Unless all of you walls are maxed then it is pointless. However, you dont want your loot pointlessly filling up. I train with GiBArch (giants, barbarians, archers) I find GiArch to have similar results, although archers become costly when you work your way up through the levels, making the farming in some ways less effective with a higher cost army to train.
I have boosts off, troop order off Disable random wait, it slows down the bot and has no benefit as you do not get banned either way unless you bot like an idiot, which I am teaching you not to do you dont need strategies for farming all sides / classic 4 finger works perfectly
Currently I have all of the mod section off, so dont worry about that.
So that sums up my configs, hope you get goot looting from them. Thanks for reading please dont leach.</strike>
IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU JOIN A BOTTING CLAN IF YOU WANT TO AVOID BAN!! (or no clan) many clan members will report if they believe you to be botting where as otherwise you are safe as your attacks tend not to be reported. remove obstacles etc is to keep your village clean. Collect treasury is to make sure it doesnt fill up and rearm traps is simply to keep your village protected. I keep builder base off to avoid issues. Ground farming is what i use so therefore i turned off air challenges Giants are the most effective for my ground farming as I will explain later
I will skip my donation settings, as many clans have their own settings that the wish you to follow. I don't have my heroes always upgrading as I am upgrading my barracks etc atm, although it could be helpful if your defences are up to scratch Auto upgrade is very helpful and I would never reccomend turning it off as it maxes your base out nicely. ALWAYS SAVE ONE BUILDER FOR WALLS!! Unless all of you walls are maxed then it is pointless. However, you dont want your loot pointlessly filling up. I train with GiBArch (giants, barbarians, archers) I find GiArch to have similar results, although archers become costly when you work your way up through the levels, making the farming in some ways less effective with a higher cost army to train.
I have boosts off, troop order off Disable random wait, it slows down the bot and has no benefit as you do not get banned either way unless you bot like an idiot, which I am teaching you not to do you dont need strategies for farming all sides / classic 4 finger works perfectly
Currently I have all of the mod section off, so dont worry about that.
So that sums up my configs, hope you get goot looting from them. Thanks for reading please dont leach.</strike>