WiFi Breaker
300 XP
Chat Control Plus! Minecraft 1.8/1.9
Fully supporting powerful regular expressions allows to significantly reduce amount of spam, caps, ads, swearing and even bots on your server.
While beginners will appreciate ability to create rules ingame and richly commented configuration files with examples, advanced users engage the power of regular expressions, and can write their own JavaScript scripts or use ChatControl's Reflections to create own variables or events. JSON fully supported in messages.
NOTICE: Requires ProtocolLib.
Give ups
Fully supporting powerful regular expressions allows to significantly reduce amount of spam, caps, ads, swearing and even bots on your server.
While beginners will appreciate ability to create rules ingame and richly commented configuration files with examples, advanced users engage the power of regular expressions, and can write their own JavaScript scripts or use ChatControl's Reflections to create own variables or events. JSON fully supported in messages.
NOTICE: Requires ProtocolLib.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.mute
Info: Mute game chat with "/chc mute" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.mute.silent
Info: Mute without broadcasting any message with "/chc mute -silent" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.mute.anonymous
Info: Mute without broadcasting player who muted the chat with "/chc mute -anonymous" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.clear
Info: Clearing game chat with "/chc clear" command
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.clear.silent
Info: Chat clear without broadcasting any message with "/chc clear -silent" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.clear.anonymous
Info: Chat clear without broadcasting player who cleared the chat with "/chc clear -anonymous" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.clear.console
Info: Clearing the console with "/chc clear -console" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.reload
Info: Reloading the configuration with "/chc reload" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.fake
Info: Broadcasting fake join/kick/leave messages with "/chc fake" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.calc
Info: Use inbuilt calculator with "/chc calc" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.inspect
Info: Analyse methods or fields in a class with "/chc inspect" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.list
Info: Displaying help for the plugin with "/chc list" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.addrule
Info: Ability to create new rules with command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.ignore
Info: Ability to let players to decide to (not) receive certain messages caught by rules.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.announce
Info: Announce messages with "/chc announce" command
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.adminchat
Info: Writing to admin chat using "/chc ach" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.import
Info: Importing rules from a file using "/chc import" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.globalchat
Info: Sending messages over bungee with "/chc global" command.
Note: Players still need chatcontrol.notify.globalchat permission to see the messages (which is given by default).
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.points
Info: View player's warning points with "/chc points" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels
Info: Basic permission required for "/channel" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.list
Info: List all channels with "/channel list" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.leave
Info: Leave a channel with "/channel leave" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.join
Info: Join a channel with "/channel join" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.spy
Info: See all messages in a channel with "/channel spy" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.send
Info: Send messages to a channel with "/channel send" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.help
Info: List all commands regarding channels with "/channel help" command.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.mute
Info: Allow player to chat while the chat is muted.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.time.commands
Info: Bypass command message delay.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.time.chat
Info: Bypass chat message delay.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.dupe.commands
Info: Allow a player to send duplicate/similar commands.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.dupe.chat
Info: Allow a player to send duplicate/similar messages.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.move
Info: Allow player to chat even when they did not moved since joining the server.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.caps
Info: Bypass check for CAPS.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.rejoin
Info: Bypass rejoin check.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.tabcomplete
Info: Allow player to tab complete.
Notice: If you are using Spigot it is highly recommended to disable this feature and use the inbuilt one in spigot.yml
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.clear
Info: Player's chat don't clears, they receive just one message instead.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.replace
Info: Player's messages will not be replaced from replace lists in Chat.yml.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.capitalize
Info: Player's messages will not be capitalized.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.punctuate
Info: No dot will not be inserted after player's messages.
Notice: Permission changed in v5.0.0 from insertdot to punctuate.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.signduplication
Info: Allow player to make multiple signs with same text.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.rules
Info: Allow player to bypass custom rules and handlers.
Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.spamkick
Info: Allow player to bypass vanilla's "disconnect.spam" kick when sending messages too quickly.
Perm: chatcontrol.notify.signduplication
Info: Receive a warning when a player makes multiple signs with the same text.
Perm: chatcontrol.notify.update
Info: Receive a warning when a new version of plugin is available.
Perm: chatcontrol.notify.whenmentioned
Info: Receive a sound warning when somebody mentions you in the chat. (Highly configurable.)
Perm: chatcontrol.notify.announcements
Info: Receive announcements issued by "/chc announce".
Notice: True for everyone by default.
Perm: chatcontrol.notify.globalchat
Info: Receive messages sent by "/chc global"