Voice Technology Specialist
300 XP
Welcome guys to my method i appreciate any type of support . Positive comments would make me feel happy, so please don't leech!
The method is quite simple and easy it costs time only , the method is based on talking with riot support and stealing any account you want using user and pass only ( can work with cracked accounts ) !
/> however it's not that easy , it's based on your iq and yeah kinda a little bit of some luck <\
Part 1 :
So this part is taking notes to use them with riot support later
- Download
and open it while you are on the client
- Okay now open notepad and follow me :
-Save there the account summoner name and username and region
-Check purchase history and look if you refunded something if u did add the champion name or skin to the notepad
-Now check your purchase history if you bought Riot points on the account and what payment method used , save it
-Now check gifting history , if u gifted someone save what was the gift and to who was sent
-Now the worst and the most important : open that tool and go to skins/champions you gotta find the first 10 champions and 10 skins and save em
-Now the date of the first champion ever bought let's say 30/01/2015 remove one day and save it on the notepade as account creation day ex : 29/01/2015
-Now for country this require iq , if you are lucky enough and the owner played clash before check the phone number it will show it like this
ex : +33 ********* , +33 is the area code check what country is that here otherwise check the store purchase country when u try to buy rp , save the country
-Last thing you need to see the mail address just go to the riot support page , login , F12 for element inspector , cntrl + F to search , type 'email' and it would show you email=theaddressmail , save it on notepad
Part 2:
=> So now you have to make the acc 100% looks stolen you have to use vpn and play few games each one or two with a diff
country then leave it for few hours and comeback later using vpn of the country we found and saved on notepad (ex : +33 = france)
just connect to the acc with that ip and don't play games , stay on the client for few mn then close it and go for part 3
Part 3:
=> Now contact the riot support saying this " My account got stolen and they stole my mail cause it had the same password as league " now in informations they will ask for everything that we have saved on the notepad , don't worry nothing else needed except the info on the notepad
they l reply soon , wait for ur luck !!
I tried my best to make it clear for everyone on this community so be kind and don't leech please it , took me time to share this with you
The method is quite simple and easy it costs time only , the method is based on talking with riot support and stealing any account you want using user and pass only ( can work with cracked accounts ) !
/> however it's not that easy , it's based on your iq and yeah kinda a little bit of some luck <\
Part 1 :
So this part is taking notes to use them with riot support later
- Download
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
- Okay now open notepad and follow me :
-Save there the account summoner name and username and region
-Check purchase history and look if you refunded something if u did add the champion name or skin to the notepad
-Now check your purchase history if you bought Riot points on the account and what payment method used , save it
-Now check gifting history , if u gifted someone save what was the gift and to who was sent
-Now the worst and the most important : open that tool and go to skins/champions you gotta find the first 10 champions and 10 skins and save em
-Now the date of the first champion ever bought let's say 30/01/2015 remove one day and save it on the notepade as account creation day ex : 29/01/2015
-Now for country this require iq , if you are lucky enough and the owner played clash before check the phone number it will show it like this
ex : +33 ********* , +33 is the area code check what country is that here otherwise check the store purchase country when u try to buy rp , save the country
-Last thing you need to see the mail address just go to the riot support page , login , F12 for element inspector , cntrl + F to search , type 'email' and it would show you email=theaddressmail , save it on notepad
Part 2:
=> So now you have to make the acc 100% looks stolen you have to use vpn and play few games each one or two with a diff
country then leave it for few hours and comeback later using vpn of the country we found and saved on notepad (ex : +33 = france)
just connect to the acc with that ip and don't play games , stay on the client for few mn then close it and go for part 3
Part 3:
=> Now contact the riot support saying this " My account got stolen and they stole my mail cause it had the same password as league " now in informations they will ask for everything that we have saved on the notepad , don't worry nothing else needed except the info on the notepad
they l reply soon , wait for ur luck !!
I tried my best to make it clear for everyone on this community so be kind and don't leech please it , took me time to share this with you