Pun Virtuoso
200 XP
Championify is a little program that downloads all the recent builds from aggregated stats websites like Champion.gg and imports them in to your League of Legends to use within game! No hassle. Windows 7+ and OSX 10.8+ are supported. For those impatient, downloads here. To start; a big thanks to the boys and girls at Riot, as now custom Item Sets are officially supported by League of Legends with their new Item Sets documentation. So for all those worried that using Championify was ever illegal, now it's quite clear it's not.
0.4.0 (July 20th, 2015) Features Give user ability to set Trinkets and/or Consumables to top or bottom of item set Automatically save preferences and League directory Item sets file structure now follows Riot standards Add error/crash message for when something breaks New error log reporting system Switch from Bootstrap to Semantic UI (New buttons, progress bar, layout) Fixes Multiple windows opening when clicking browse Improved path handling Grammar fixes Tooltips so they're easier to view Source:
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