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Challanger Vayne Guide


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LEVEL 1 200 XP
Early Game
Trading damage First of all,http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/champion/vayne-76is not an early game champion.
You cannot win lane on your own, you must have a decent support, however you are the key.
Making trades with Vayne can be dangerous, but that doesn't mean you can just let your enemies control your lane, take a hit,strike back, tumble --> another hit, do not hessitate but be always careful because once you use tumble, there is no escape in case they engage you.
The more games you play, the more understanding you will get for trading.
IMPORTANT: Do not forget that your http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/ability/tumble-385 resets auto attack timer which can lead into 2 quick attacks, more attacks = better trade.
Last Hitting This is very important part, as an ADC role, last hitting minions should be easier for you, taking closer math you must atleast last hit 5/6 minions per wave (+cannon every 3rd wave),
but make sure that you work with your support, so if he goes for a trade, leave minions and help him, maybe you secure a kill, then go back farming.
IMPORTANT: Do not forget to group up with your team if they are going to take some objective on the map!
Recall / Lane Freeze Recall, why am i writing about recall? I will tell you why...
So you have enough gold for that shinyhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/bilgewater-cutlass-103, lets go back? NO.
There are some things you must check before going back:
  • 1. Check that your lane is pushed to the enemy tower which will result into enemy bottom lane losing XP and GOLD (if they recently recalled to base)
    2. Enemy team is about to do Dragon and you just recalled? What a failure... Ask your team first if they are willing to contest the Dragon, then fight/go back based on your team's decision
IMPORTANT: Change your trinket to blue one as soon as your support buys http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/sightstone-164 because he will do the warding from now on, you won't need your old trinket anymore and blue trinket provides can detect Fog of War so you don't have to facecheck anymore.
High Elo Tip: The best way to recall is when you kill the incoming wave of creeps and the next enemy wave of minions, that is coming down the lane, MUST be the wave with CANNON minion, WHAT does this mean? Well, you are about to back so you push the wave under enemy tower, you recall, enemy bottom lane cleans your wave and they will 90% push YOUR next wave (which is obviously a cannon wave) and then they recall. So the result is: enemy wave of minions is about to approach your tower and tower will obviously kill them, BUT since enemy bottom lane has a cannon minion, your Tower will kill one melee minion and then will start shoting enemy CANNON minion which will save you some time until you arrive to pick up the rest of the minions. Brilliant!Isn't it ?
This is a proper lane freeze, as you can see there is an wave of creeps incoming from both sides, but the blue team has 4 more caster minions and red team has only 1 more.
What does this mean? It means that eventually, the blue team will push the wave, killing red team's minions while NONE of Red team's champions are nearby. This will result into Blue team's favor because red team will lose XP and GOLD.
Lane Freeze is recommended when you are losing lane and you fall behind.
If you are ahead of enemy bottom lane and you already pushed the first tower down there, rotate mid with your support and help your mid laner take down enemy turret and maybe secure a kill.
Mid Game
Mid game is where some serious teamfights approach.
Vayne is ready to fight as soon as she gets herhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/blade-of-the-ruined-king-145+http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/phantom-dancer-52, this items provide you enough attack speed to bring down those strong Tanks.
I will explain the basics of teamfight in 3 chapters:
Position This is your position, the better position you have, the better player you are (overall), this means that you should stay in back line, you are a squishy target, so 1 mistake my cost you life, this is why position is important, if you are too close to enemy damage dealers you may get oneshoted and the teamfight is lost, it's crucial that you stay in back line and pick up those tanks that trouble you.
You are Vayne !!! There is no tank that you cannot take down, yourhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/ability/silver-bolts-386will make them fear you, so take down those tanks and don't go front line unless you know what are you doing.
2 Tips: Use your http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/ability/tumble-385 to reposition yourself whenever you feel in danger and do not forget to use your http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/ability/condemn-387 if you find your target near wall.
Front line/Back line You are marksman - AD carry, your position is back line, the front line belongs to tanks, whenever you decide to go front line, you will probably die ... so make sure you stand behind your tanks and deal damage to whoever threatens you.
Mechanics Mechanics is a name for a stuff that each player has, you have many kinds of mechanics, but in order to play Vayne in high elo, if you don't have that, you fall off.
Mechanic is ability to dodge a skillshot, predict enemy spells, use them in your advantage and most important: TO LOOK F****** COOL.
When your enemies miss all skillshots and you ace their entire team, juking them all around, truest me mate, there is no better feeling when you know that you are better than all of them combined together ... This is what makes me a good vayne player, maybe you should give it a try.. hah ..
Objectives are most important thing in League of Legends.
Whenever your team goes for an objective (Baron, Dragon, Tower, Inhibitor) you must be there because big teamfight may be there for that objective...
Following pings, listening to your allies will make them appreciate you.
I know this community is quite toxic and immature but you have 5 enemies already, why should you have another 4 ??
Late Game
Final build
Your core build is at the start of the guide, you should use it in 8/10 of your games, but every game is different, so in some cases you might change this build a little bit, but it's up to you.
Every gold counts so DO NOT waste gold to buy items first, then sell them, that's such a waste.
Always remember to upgrade your boots and trinket, consider takinghttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/zephyr-172in case you have nowhere to go with that gold.
Split Pushing Split pushing is NOT your job, however in high elo games it may be useful.
For example - you are pushing Bottom Inner Turret and bait enemy team so your team can take a free baron ... but that usually top lane champions do, which have teleport, so don't bother splitpushing, your team needs you!!!
Mid Game
Mid game is where some serious teamfights approach.
Vayne is ready to fight as soon as she gets herhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/blade-of-the-ruined-king-145+http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/phantom-dancer-52, this items provide you enough attack speed to bring down those strong Tanks.
I will explain the basics of teamfight in 3 chapters:
Position This is your position, the better position you have, the better player you are (overall), this means that you should stay in back line, you are a squishy target, so 1 mistake my cost you life, this is why position is important, if you are too close to enemy damage dealers you may get oneshoted and the teamfight is lost, it's crucial that you stay in back line and pick up those tanks that trouble you.
You are Vayne !!! There is no tank that you cannot take down, yourhttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/ability/silver-bolts-386will make them fear you, so take down those tanks and don't go front line unless you know what are you doing.
2 Tips: Use your http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/ability/tumble-385 to reposition yourself whenever you feel in danger and do not forget to use your http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/ability/condemn-387 if you find your target near wall.
Front line/Back line You are marksman - AD carry, your position is back line, the front line belongs to tanks, whenever you decide to go front line, you will probably die ... so make sure you stand behind your tanks and deal damage to whoever threatens you.
Mechanics Mechanics is a name for a stuff that each player has, you have many kinds of mechanics, but in order to play Vayne in high elo, if you don't have that, you fall off.
Mechanic is ability to dodge a skillshot, predict enemy spells, use them in your advantage and most important: TO LOOK F****** COOL.
When your enemies miss all skillshots and you ace their entire team, juking them all around, truest me mate, there is no better feeling when you know that you are better than all of them combined together ... This is what makes me a good vayne player, maybe you should give it a try.. hah ..
Objectives are most important thing in League of Legends.
Whenever your team goes for an objective (Baron, Dragon, Tower, Inhibitor) you must be there because big teamfight may be there for that objective...
Following pings, listening to your allies will make them appreciate you.
I know this community is quite toxic and immature but you have 5 enemies already, why should you have another 4 ??
Late Game
Final build Your core build is at the start of the guide, you should use it in 8/10 of your games, but every game is different, so in some cases you might change this build a little bit, but it's up to you.
Every gold counts so DO NOT waste gold to buy items first, then sell them, that's such a waste.
Always remember to upgrade your boots and trinket, consider takinghttp://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/item/zephyr-172in case you have nowhere to go with that gold.
Split Pushing Split pushing is NOT your job, however in high elo games it may be useful.
For example - you are pushing Bottom Inner Turret and bait enemy team so your team can take a free baron ... but that usually top lane champions do, which have teleport, so don't bother splitpushing, your team needs you!!!



