Haha Hero
1000 XP
this is an online test you have to take under supervision " http://tests.if.ua/ "
is there anyway to find answers? I guess it's not written in HTML, best guess is Java (don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure)
I checked "inspect element" (best I can do) and I can't seem to find any indication on the right answer.
The site is written in the Ukrainian language, but using the flag on the top right corner of the page you can change that to English. Choose any faculty, course and subject. Any last name, name, and group and you'll be able to start the online test. Hope any of you guys can figure out a way to find the correct answer. That is if there is a way, but logically, there must be a way I just can't seem to figure it out!
I'm not studying there anymore. It's just a late night thought that I had, would be great if I know if there is a way or if there isn't. Just to get my head clear! You guys know what I mean!
is there anyway to find answers? I guess it's not written in HTML, best guess is Java (don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure)
I checked "inspect element" (best I can do) and I can't seem to find any indication on the right answer.
The site is written in the Ukrainian language, but using the flag on the top right corner of the page you can change that to English. Choose any faculty, course and subject. Any last name, name, and group and you'll be able to start the online test. Hope any of you guys can figure out a way to find the correct answer. That is if there is a way, but logically, there must be a way I just can't seem to figure it out!
I'm not studying there anymore. It's just a late night thought that I had, would be great if I know if there is a way or if there isn't. Just to get my head clear! You guys know what I mean!