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Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies Blood of the Dead Full Easter Egg Guide


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╚»★«╠Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies Blood of the Dead Easter Egg Guide ╚»★«â•
=== Information gather and collected by Liam ===
This guide will guide you through each and every possible step in the Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blood of the Dead easter egg. Please keep in mind that some steps may have changed during the time. I am not always able to update this in days.
"The setup"
At first, you should set up your perks, weapons, specialities, gadgets and elixirs. In this step, we are going to set up all best fitting items to use to complete this easter as easy as possible. I will not show any details on these items more than I need.
=== Perks ===
Please keep in mind these are orders as shown because of more efficient access.
BREW should be for STAMIN-UP because it will help you to run faster and be more efficient while moving around the map.
COLA should be for DYING WISH because it will save you more than 9000 times from zombies.
SODA should be for QUICK REVIVE because it will make your health regenerate much faster after taking damage.
TONIC should be for VICTORIOUS TORTOISE because it will prevent you from taking damage while your shield is equipped.
=== Weapons ===
Set 'special weapon' to PATH OF SORROWS.
Set 'equipment' to WRAITH FIRE.
This is just highly recommended for an easier cross at the catwalk
Set 'start weapon' to STRIFE with bayonet equipped.
=== Elixirs ===
Please note that most of these will make things so much easier so please use these elixirs listed below. Explanations will be later in the guide.
=== Talisman ===
There are not really any talisman that will really help you through these steps, but if you prefer to take any please do so.
"The beginning"
Here is the map layout you should take a careful look at this before going any further, it helps a lot if you keep this map open while you do the easter egg guide because the locations are based on this.
You will spawn into the spawn room. When the game starts, kill all zombies with your knife to get money as much as possible. Now your job is to go to the first power switch (Check the map for yellow box with the letter 'P' in it). The first door will cost "750" and the second one will be "1000" so stay at the spawn room until you have "1750 before you proceed further". After you have to required money, kill all zombies except leave 1 or 2 alive.
Turn on the power after opening the doors. There is a slight change that the warden will spawn in after the power is turned on (if so kill him and take the key he drops by pressing 'F'). After the power is on you should proceed to the catwalk right away there will come multiple zombies in the catwalk so be careful (If you have the strife with bayonet equipped you will not have any problems).
After you have fully crossed the catwalk look at your left and you will see a bunch of dogs and a warden. Shoot some of the dogs, and the warden will spawn on round 2 or 3. Kill the warden and take the key he has dropped by pressing 'F'.
(This step is unnecessary if you got the warden to spawn on after turning the power switch)
"Building the shield"
If you have followed the guide you should already have the first part of the shield by killing the warden and taking his key. If so proceed to search the second part, it will be on of the three possible spawn locations. Try searching red electricity boxes with blue electricity flowing from it. It will be somewhere in the prison itself. After you have found the box you were searching press 'F' to pick it up, then the blue electricity flow should stop.
Can't find the second part?
Check out the map layout and look for shield essence loc 1-3.
Now you need to get the final part. It will be located in the spiral staircase. Look for the metal door behind the walls on left while running down the staircase. Those are one possible spawn of the part. If the part is not there proceed to the bottom of the staircase, go by the number pad and run the smaller stairs. On the bottom of the smaller stairs, you should look immediately to your left to check one of the possible spawn. If still, you can't find the part proceed even further and go to the right and then look the right wall for the part, that's the final possible spawn of the part.
Can't find the third part?
Check out the map layout for shield-cell door loc 1-3.
After you have all the three parts of the shield (Press TAB and check if you have all three parts) go to the top of the prison and you will see the building table next to the where the electric cherry used to be. Hold down 'F' to build the shield. Remember to press 'F' again to pick up the shield. You can use the shield by pressing 'X'.
"Getting the hells retriever"
When you finally have your shield congrats! Now you need to feed the three giant dogs on the map. There are drawn dog faces in three places in the map if the dog will not show kill couple zombies near it. Each dog needs to eat 6 souls. Kill zombies near the dog until it disappears. Note that the dog will eat the souls quite slowly so don't waste your zombies by mass murdering them right away.
The giant dogs
The first dog will be on the new industries building really near the spawn room (Check the map for the reddish boxes with word 'Dog' in it).
The second one will be on the second floor of the prison, one floor below from the building table. (Check the map for the reddish boxes with word 'Dog' in it).
The last one will be on the wall of the white warden's house. (Check the map for the reddish boxes with word 'Dog' in it).
After the 3 giant dogs are feed run to the white warden's house. Go to the fast travel at the back of the house. The hells retriever will be on the path while you fast travel so be aware. Use the fast travel and press 'F' to pick up it from the path. It will be pretty near after you go much higher and dodge the lavafall.
Edited by wasdasd, 12 November 2018 - 07:47 PM.



