Anime Event Coordinator
300 XP
Ok little tutorial for cracking bloody 5 software for mouse ofc.
*NOTE: Antivirus must he turned off in order to extract keygen.
1. Close your current bloody 5 first of all
2. Download files from here: https://yadi.sk/d/5gZsLYaKhntxN (password : ru-board)
3. Extract to desktop
4. Run Bloody 5 from extracted folder
5. Run keygen from extracted folder
6 Copy Mouse ID from Bloody 5, and paste it to Keygen
7. Click generate, then save licence file wherever you want
8. Click on Activate Core 3/4, choose option number 1(to load licence file by your self) and locate the saved licence file from keygen
*NOTE: Antivirus must he turned off in order to extract keygen.
1. Close your current bloody 5 first of all
2. Download files from here: https://yadi.sk/d/5gZsLYaKhntxN (password : ru-board)
3. Extract to desktop
4. Run Bloody 5 from extracted folder
5. Run keygen from extracted folder
6 Copy Mouse ID from Bloody 5, and paste it to Keygen
7. Click generate, then save licence file wherever you want
8. Click on Activate Core 3/4, choose option number 1(to load licence file by your self) and locate the saved licence file from keygen